AIC Dinner and Conference 2023 - Working with Natural Capital within the agri-food supply chain

AIC Dinner and Conference 2023 (formerly Agribusiness) featured a range of thought leaders from politics, business, academia and trade to consider “Working with Natural Capital within the agri-food supply chain”.

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Agribusiness 2022 - Managing disruptive shocks in the agri-food supply chain, 15 November 2022 Agribusiness 2022 - Managing disruptive shocks in the agri-food supply chain, 15 November 2022


Wednesday 16 November
Registration: Networking & Digital Advertising


Opening Address – AIC Chairman


Conference Chair – Anna Hill, BBC Farming Today


Robert Sheasby – Chief Executive Officer, AIC


Allan Wilkinson – Head of Agri-Food, HSBC UK Bank plc, An economic outlook and funding for UK agri-food supply chain

Market and Economic Outlook

Gavin Hodgson – Director of Agriculture, Horticulture and Aquaculture, Sainsbury’s, What impact has the cost of living crisis on managing the agri-food supply chain?

Market and Economic Outlook

Tom Bradshaw - NFU Deputy  President, How are UK farmers navigating the current issues within their sectors? 

Market and Economic Outlook

Debate and Questions

Market and Economic Outlook

Networking Break and Coffee


Mark Spencer MP – Minister of State, Defra, England

Political Priorities

Mairi Gougeon - MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs & Islands, Scotland

Political Priorities

Lesley Griffiths – MS, Cabinet Secretary for Energy, Planning and Rural Affairs, Wales

Political Priorities

Edwin Poots – Minster of Agriculture, Environment & Rural Affairs, Northern Ireland

Political Priorities

Debate and Questions (including Robert Sheasby)

Political Priorities

Networking Lunch


Conference Chair – Anna Hill, BBC Farming Today


Judith Evans – Consumer Industries Correspondent, Financial Times, Insights into the future trends of the agi-food supply chain

Market Commentary

Brent Babb – Regional Director (EMEA) – United States Soya Export Council, How are the US managing the key shocks and opportunities for the agri-food industry?

Market Commentary

Debate and Questions

Market Commentary

Conference Chair – Anna Hill, BBC Farming Today


Closing Remarks - AIC Chairman


Conference close – Digital advertising


Agribusiness 2020: New Horizons for the UK Agri-food supply chain, 13 November 2019 Agribusiness 2020: New Horizons for the UK Agri-food supply chain, 13 November 2019


Wednesday 13 November 2019, Agribusiness 2020 Conference

09:00 Registration: Registration: Networking opportunity & view of exhibitors

09:50 Opening Address – AIC Chairman

09:55 Conference Chairman
Tom Heap – BBC Rural Affairs Correspondent

10:00 AIC priorities and the Agri-Brexit Coalition
Robert Sheasby – Chief Executive, AIC
Download Robert Sheasby presentation 

10:15 The outlook for the global and UK economy and impact on UK agriculture
Allan Wilkinson – Head of Agriculture, HSBC
Download Allan Wilkinson presentation 

10:45 Discussion Period

11:00 Coffee & view of exhibitors

11:30 Creating world class standards for UK farming and beyond
Baroness Neville-Rolfe DBE, CMG, Chairman Assured Food Standards

12:10 Measuring the impacts of switching agriculture in England and Wales to organic management
Dr Laurence Smith, Royal Agricultural University
Download Laurence Smith presentation 

12:40 Discussion Period

12:50 Lunch

14:00 UK Agriculture 2020 and beyond – capitalising on the New Horizons
Stuart Roberts, NFU Vice President

14:25 Discussion period

14:30 Will insect protein be a viable protein substitute for UK livestock diets
Dr Elaine Fitches, FERA, University of Durham
Download Elaine Fitches presentation 

14:55 Gene editing – a new dawn for a productive and sustainable UK Agriculture?
Prof Huw Jones, Aberystwyth University
Download Huw Jones presentation 

15:20 Discussion period

15:35 Closing remarks – AIC Chairman

Agribusiness 2019: Creating a resilient UK Agri-food supply chain, 14 November 2018 Agribusiness 2019: Creating a resilient UK Agri-food supply chain, 14 November 2018


Wednesday 14 November, Agribusiness 2019 Conference

Registration: Registration: Networking opportunity & view of exhibitors

Opening Address – AIC Chairman

Conference Chairman
Charlotte Smith – BBC Farming Today

AIC priorities and the Agri-Brexit Coalition
Robert Sheasby – Chief Executive, AIC
Download Robert Sheasby’s presentation 

A new dawn for a productive and sustainable UK Agriculture?
Minette Batters – President, NFU
Download Minette Batters’ presentation 

Discussion Period

Coffee & view of exhibitors

Creating a resilient Agri-food supply chain for the UK and beyond?
Alison Ismail – Director of Agri-Food Chain, Defra
Download Alison Ismail’s presentation 

The food and drink sector–opportunities for UK agriculture post Brexit?
Sir Peter Kendall – Chairman, AHDB; Member of the Food & Drink Sector Council
Download Sir Peter Kendall’s presentation 

Discussion Period


Consumers diets are changing. What impact will this have on the agri-food supply chain?
Gemma Cooper – Marketing Executive, Nielsen Marketing
Download Gemma Cooper’s presentation 

Creating a world leading crop health & protection sector for the UK
Fraser Black – Chief Executive Officer, Crop Health & Protection
Download Fraser Black’s presentation 

An expert centre fit to lead innovation and excellence for the UK livestock sector
Lyndsay Chapman – Chief Executive Officer, Centre for Innovation & Excellence in Livestock
Download Lyndsay Chapman’s presentation 

 Discussion period

Closing remarks – AIC Chairman

Agribusiness 2018: Taking a lead in Agri-Food Policy post-Brexit, 8 November 2017 Agribusiness 2018: Taking a lead in Agri-Food Policy post-Brexit, 8 November 2017

You can access the other presentations here:


Tuesday 7 November, Pre Conference Supper

Orton Hall

Peterborough, PE2 7DN

Pre conference drinks reception

Pre conference supper

Wednesday 8 November, Agribusiness 2018 Conference

 Registration: Networking opportunity

Opening Address – Nick Major – AIC Chairman

Conference Chairman
Anna Hill – BBC Farming Today

AIC Brexit Priorities and the Agri-Brexit Coalition
David Caffall – Chief Executive, AIC
Download David Caffall’s presentation 

Developing and leading agricultural policy post Brexit / Brexit, an EU Trade Body Perspective
Guy Horsington – Deputy Director, Defra / Alexander Döring – Director General, FEFAC
Download Alexander Döring’s presentation 

 Discussion Period


The food and drink sector – opportunities for UK agriculture post Brexit?
Ian Wright – Director General, Food & Drink Federation

Managing a new on farm UK Agriculture revolution?
Meurig Raymond – President, NFU

 Discussion Period


Following Brexit, what are the options for trading with the EU and Non EU Countries?
Allie Renison – Head of Europe and Trade Policy, Institute of Directors

What is the future of Agricultural Research & Development post Brexit?
Dr Andy Cureton – Head of Business & Interaction, BBSRC
Download Andy Cureton’s presentation 

Managing the availabiliy of workers in a post Brexit economy – fact or fiction?
David Camp – Chief Executive, Association of Labour Providers
Download David Camp’s presentation 

 Discussion Period

Closing remarks – AIC Chairman

Agribusiness 2017: Driving today’s agricultural revolution, 23 November 2016 Agribusiness 2017: Driving today’s agricultural revolution, 23 November 2016

Tuesday 22 November, Pre Conference Supper

Orton Hall

Peterborough, PE2 7DN

Pre conference drinks reception

Pre conference supper

Wednesday 23 November, Agribusiness 2017 Conference

 Registration: Networking opportunity

Opening Address – AIC Chairman

Conference Chairman
Declan Curry – Independent Journalist, former BBC Breakfast Business presenter

Your trade association working for you
David Caffall – Chief Executive, AIC

Promoting innovation within UK agriculture and agribusiness within the UK
George Eustice MP – Minister of State for Agriculture, Defra
Download Tim Mordan presentation  (given in place of George Eustice)

 Discussion Period


Investment in agriculture, agribusiness innovation – what’s the outlook?
Oliver McEntyre – National Strategy Director, Barclays Agriculture
Download Oliver McEntyre presentation 

Creating world class innovation and solutions for UK agriculture?
Tom Hind – Chief Strategy Officer, AHDB
Download Tom Hind presentation 

 Discussion Period


Exploring NEW opportunities for agriculture with satellite technology
Dr Daniel Morton – Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Download Daniel Morton presentation 

Genetic pest management – the future of pest management?
Professor Luke Alphey – Pirbright Institute
Download Luke Alphey presentation

A step change in plant breeding to achieve a UK competitive advantage?
Dr Cristobal Uauy – Project Leader, Crop Genetics, John Innes Centre
Download Cristobal Uauy presentation 

 Discussion Period

Closing remarks – AIC Chairman

Agribusiness 2016: Accelerating the agriculture and food agenda, 11 November 2015 Agribusiness 2016: Accelerating the agriculture and food agenda, 11 November 2015

Tuesday 10 November, Pre Conference Supper

Orton Hall

Peterborough, PE2 7DN

Pre conference drinks reception

Pre conference supper

Wednesday 11 November, Agribusiness 2016 Conference

 Registration: Networking opportunity

Opening Address – AIC Board Member

Conference Chairman
Charlotte Smith – BBC Radio 4, Farming Today

Agrisupply industry challenges – Opportunities and Threats
David Caffall – Chief Executive, AIC
Download David Caffall presentation 

Setting the priorities for Agriculture within Europe
Flavio Coturni – Head of Agricultural Policy Analysis and Perspectives Unit, European Commission
Download Flavio Coturni presentation 

 Discussion Period


How will agriculture fare in the current retail environment?
Beth Hart – Head of Product Development & Technology, Fresh Foods, Sainsbury plc Download Beth Hart presentation 

The UK in or out of the EU – Agricultural meltdown or new opportunity?
Sean Rickard – Independent Economic Analysis
Download Sean Rickard presentation 

 Discussion Period


The AgriTech Strategy – the answer to accelerating the agricultural agenda?
Dr. Stephen Axford – Head of AgriTech Strategy, BIS Download Stephen Axford presentation 

Why has Brazilian Agriculture achieved exceptional increases in agricultural productivity
Ricardo Arioli Silva – Aprosoja and Brazilian Farmer Download Ricardo Arioli Silva presentation 

Laboratory meat production – a realistic proposition?
Dr. Marianne Ellis – University of Bath
Download Marianne Ellis presentation

 Discussion Period

Closing remarks – AIC Board Member

Agribusiness 2015: Growing the sustainable agrisupply chain, 12 November 2014 Agribusiness 2015: Growing the sustainable agrisupply chain, 12 November 2014

Tuesday 11 November 2014, Pre Conference Supper

Orton Hall

Peterborough, PE2 7DN

Pre conference drinks reception

Pre conference supper

Wednesday 12 November 2014, Agribusiness 2015 Conference

 Registration: Networking opportunity

Opening Address – AIC Board Member

Conference Chairman
Sybil Ruscoe – Presenter Farming Today

Agrisupply industry challenges 
David Caffall – Chief Executive, AIC
Download David Caffall presentation 

Setting the priorities for Agriculture within the UK and Europe
George Eustice – Defra Minister of State for Agriculture
Stuart Agnew – MEP, UK Independence Party
Download Stuart Agnew presentation 

 Discussion Period


Future direction under the new presidency? 
Meurig Raymond – President, NFU

A European perspective on agriculture and the future outlook
Suzanne Pera – Farm Inputs Analyst, Rabobank
Download Suzanne Pera presentation 

 Discussion Period


Can sustainability provide a European and business advantage
Ruud Tijssens – FEFAC President, Director Corporate Affairs, Agrifirm
Download Ruud Tijssens presentation 

Future priorities and challenges of AHDB to meet the sustainability agenda
Peter Kendall – Chairman, AHDB
Download Peter Kendall presentation 

Will ‘Cool Farming’ provide a sustainable framework for farmers in the UK and Europe
Richard Heathcote – General Manager, Cool Farming Institute
Download Richard Heathcote presentation 

 Discussion Period

Closing remarks – AIC Board Member