

Election 2024

The AIC Manifesto: What food supply chain businesses need from the next UK Government

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Powering Productivity report

An independent report which assesses the UK agri-food sector's productivity and recommends how to sustainably enhance our nation's food security

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Sustainability Roadmap

AIC's roadmap for a sustainable food chain, launched in 2020 to inform agri-supply businesses, policymakers and stakeholders of the sector's 2050 goals



Imported Crop Standards

Information explaining how and why crops are imported into the UK

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Oilseeds advocacy

AIC is leading a group of supply chain stakeholders to support the UK’s struggling oilseeds sector and find ways to increase the area grown domestically in the face of current challenges


Digital Passport (Combinable Crops) hub

Visit the Digital Grain Passport hub - Members must be logged in to access this content


Food Security

The series of recent global shocks has brought the need to urgently enhance the UK's food security into sharp focus


FAQs: UK Forest Risk Commodity Regulation (UKFRC) and EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR)

Guidance and information for Members and industry stakeholders

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AIC's work on behalf of Members with an interest in pulse crops and trading

EU Exit

EU-UK Relationship

News, guidance and resources on the trading relationship between the European Union and the UK.


Defra's Farming and Countryside Programme

The latest updates on Environmental Land Management schemes


FAQs: Feeding livestock with soya - why is it important and how sustainable is it?

Information and FAQs, including which sectors use soya and why it is so important for livestock feed


FAQs: Ergot in cereal crops, contracts, legislation, and effective management

Find the answers to FAQs about ergot, the causes, and how the industry manages the feed and food safety risks


Urea "Option 4" Ammonia Mitigation

The agri-supply industry and farming unions are committed to delivering substantial ammonia emissions reductions from fertilisers


Climate Change Agreements

Climate Change Agreements (CCAs) are voluntary agreements which energy-intensive industries, including agriculture, make with the Environment Agency to reduce energy use and carbon dioxide emissions.


Renewable Energy Directive (RED II)

Updates on the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) II


Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)

Information and insight on plans for a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) in the UK and EU



Latest news, insight and briefings on trade

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AIC at 20: Celebrating two decades of representing the UK’s agri-supply industry

In 2023, AIC marked 20 years as the UK agri-supply industry’s leading trade association - revisit some of its greatest achievements to date