The below information offers a summary of AIC and industry progress on the Digital Passport (Combinable Crops) project from March 2023 onwards.
This feed is regularly updated to help keep Members informed of AIC activity on this project.
2025 blog
3 February 2025 - AHDB Digital Passport industry communication
AHDB has issued an industry communication on behalf of the Digital Passport Leadership Group to provide an update.
To view the communication, please click below.
29 January 2025 - AHDB Digital Passport for Combinable Crops industry communications update
AHDB has issued an update on the Digital Passport for Combinable Crops project. Click below to read the related Member briefing.
17 January 2025 - Development Group meeting agenda
A Development Group meeting is being held on Monday 20 January to discuss the details of the pilot, rollout, and implementation phases of the Digital Passport.
The discussion will focus on defining roles and responsibilities across various organisations and companies within the supply chain, including communications, training, onboarding, rollout, and ongoing support.
View the meeting agenda and related Member briefing below.
1. Welcome & introductions |
2. Update – Digital Passport – where are we now? |
3. The brief, set by the Leadership Group |
4. Overview of project phases |
5. Industry communication – across phases |
6. Test & pilot phase – key tasks and who does what |
7. Pilot – scale and coverage |
8. Wider rollout phase – key tasks and who does what |
2024 blog
3 July 2024 - AHDB's Digital Passport (Combinable Crops) explainer video
Members and Participants may wish to view the AHDB video on the Digital Passport (Combinable Crops) below.
It covers how the proposed Digital Passport (Combinable Crops) will work for farmers and the industry, with a demonstration of how to use the Digital Passport, the benefits, and the process behind it.
Find out more on the AHDB website.
1 July 2024 - Members encouraged to review the revised Business Case and share views
AIC encourages its Members to review the revised Business Case on the AHDB’s website and share any comments and observations via AIC’s Digital Passport hub by 12:00 on 4 July 2024.
Members and scheme Participants can also contact AIC’s Head of Animal Feed James McCulloch, Head of Combinable Crops and Seed Rose Riby, and Technical Manager Gill Barrow.
17 June 2024 - Webinar on revised Business Case
AIC will host a webinar for Members and scheme Participants on the revised Business Case for a Digital Passport (Combinable Crops) on 28 June 2024 at 15:00.
The webinar will include representatives from AHDB and is set to highlight the significant changes made to the Business Case following an industry-wide consultation which saw a large number of responses from AIC Members.
To register for this Member-only webinar, please click below.
The revised Business Case for a Digital Passport (Combinable Crops) was published on 7 June, with a range of significant changes made to take account of feedback around data, funding and accessibility.
As highlighted in the revised Business Case, the Seed Crushers and Oil Processors Association (SCOPA) is no longer part of the Digital Passport Leadership Group.
Click below for further information, or visit the AHDB's website for full details and to view the revised Business Case.
Next steps
AIC encourages its Members to review the revised Business Case on the AHDB’s website, and share any comments and observations via AIC’s online Digital Passport hub by 17:00 on 28 June 2024.
7 June 2024 - Revised Business Case published
The revised Business Case for a Digital Passport (Combinable Crops) has been published.
Following an industry-wide consultation which closed in February 2024, a range of significant changes and clarifications have been added to the Business Case to take account of feedback around data, funding and accessibility.
To view the revised Business Case and answers to industry questions, visit the AHDB's website.
Click below to read a Member briefing with more information.
Next steps
AIC encourages its Members to review the revised Business Case on the AHDB’s website, and share any comments and observations via AIC’s online Digital Passport hub by 17:00 on 28 June 2024.
Members and scheme Participants can also contact AIC’s Head of Animal Feed James McCulloch, Head of Combinable Crops and Seed Rose Riby, orTechnical Manager Gill Barrow.
13 February 2024 - Industry consultation on business case closed and next steps
The industry-wide consultation on the business case for a Digital Passport (Combinable Crops) closed on 2 February. Please see the below Member briefing for details on next steps.
While this blog will be updated less frequently, Members will be kept up to date on the developments and can also visit the AHDB website for further information.
6 February 2024 - Leadership Group Industry Communication
The Leadership Group has published an industry communication following the closure of the industry-wide consultation on the business case for a Digital Passport (Combinable Crops).
To view the communication, visit the AHDB website.
5 February 2024 - Leadership Group meeting - Key notes and actions
The Leadership Group met on Friday, 2 February to discuss the following agenda items:
Consultation feedback
- An AIC Scotland meeting with Members was held 26/1/24 with approximately 40 members attending. The meeting was chaired by AIC Scotland Chair Sarah Bell (Cefetra).
- AIC reassured Members if they did not wish to speak up at the meeting, they could submit views afterwards.
- AIC Head of Arable Marketing and Seed, Rose Riby, is collating the feedback from the meeting, and this is due to be submitted to AHDB w/c 5/2/24.
- AIC Policy Forum was held 30/1/24, where all the sector chairs attend, and feedback was discussed. The process AIC has gone through in terms of consulting Members, and the questions raised, both technical and around costings, were outlined.
- AIC's Arable Marketing Committee meeting was held on 29/1/24.
Development and Data Groups: Consultation feedback review
- The Leadership Group agreed to reschedule these meetings towards the beginning of March, to allow more time to thoroughly collate the feedback and prepare the meeting agendas, in respect of the amount of feedback received.
Procurement update
- A number of presentations have been received from tenderers this week. A formal collation exercise is underway to finalise the process. The feedback from the procurement panel goes back to the procurement team, and they in turn will contact the tenderers.
- One of the key elements of running the procurement exercise at this time, was to put an up-to-date development and maintenance figure in the business case, which can take place once a conversation has been held with the successful supplier. If agreement is given to proceed with the digital passport, a contract can then be put in place.
- The business case and specification were made available to the tenderers as supplementary documents to the tender process. The tenderers were given the opportunity to reply with any questions to which AHDB were able to provide further detail regarding the system.
- No detail on the procurement outcome was given at this stage, due to public contract regulations AHDB abide by.
- The Leadership Group agreed to issue an industry update to acknowledge the consultation has closed and outline the next steps.
1 February 2024 - Leadership Group meeting agenda
The Leadership Group will meet on Friday, 2 February to discuss the following agenda items:
- Action point review
- Consultation feedback
- Post-consultation process
- Communications
31 January 2024 - Leadership Group meeting - Key notes and actions
The Leadership Group met on Friday, 26 January to discuss the following agenda items:
Consultation feedback
- Scotland AIC Members meeting is scheduled for 26/1/24, where the proposals and feedback will be discussed.
5 responses have come directly through the AIC website, which will be included in the gathering of feedback.
The Feed Materials Committee met this week and are in favour of the proposals.
Feedback views collated, cover both for and against the proposals. AIC will continue to understand and address the concerns raised. Ideas are also coming forward for alternative ways forward, such as adaptation, amendment, or working to a longer time-frame.
AIC is putting together a timeline of engagement to illustrate stakeholder inclusion during the progress of developing the business case, during 2023, given some of the messaging, especially from merchants in Scotland has professed they have not been listened to.
It is felt important to remind stakeholders that they have been listened to, for examnple in the Development Group meeting in April, where the outcome of the meeting resulted in a significantly streamlined version of the passport, in contrast to that which was presented at the start of the meeting.
Since that time there have been instances where stakeholders have fed in at different stages, and voices have been heard.
- The TASCC Committee met this week and discussed the passport. Participants were encouraged to submit their feedback.
- A range of opinions were aired. Technical arguments are covered within the business case, but there appeared to be a lack of belief in the business case. Attendees were told that the business case has been developed with representatives across industry, sitting on the Development and Data Groups, with a wide consultation to pull the business case together and identify any missing gaps.
With regards to the haulage sector, AIC receives conflicting messages that the RHA do not represent hauliers that transport grain because none of them join.
AIC has notified scheme Participants five times by email, about the consultation process, and it remains reliant on the businesses reading those emails.
If hauliers are not members of another dedicated association and do not respond to emails from their trade association notifying them of changes that might be coming, does a lack of response indicate being ignored or acceptance?
AIC is comfortable its reach in consultation with Members has been thorough.
Summary of key points
AHDB has started to create a log of points made about the business case, received through the AHDB channels and the Leadership Group discussions so far. The recommendations are as follows:
- Each trade association/party of the Leadership Group submits their written feedback, to Stephen Briggs as Chair of the Leadership Group, no later than 7/2/24.
- This will give AHDB two days to coalesce the feedback for key points, ready for the Leadership Group to agree the feedback is representative of the consultation and covers all the main areas, on 9/2/24. Agendas for the Development and Data Group meetings can then be prepared and circulated in time for the mid-February group review meetings.
- A comms release will take place within the two weeks following consultation. This will outline the process of what happens next, to keep stakeholders aware of developments.
- The Development and Data Groups are booked for 14 and 15 February to review specific key points, depending on complexity.
- Where there have been gaps identified in feedback, these will require further investigation.
- The timeline of events will require an update. Should the volume of feedback significantly increase in the final week of consultation, adjustment on times will be discussed at the next meeting of the Leadership Group due 2/2/24.
- There is no formal obligation for the consultation results to be published, however under Freedom Of Information requirements which AHDB operates under, transparency remains at the forefront.
- In response to the consultation feedback from some AIC Members commenting the Leadership Group is secretive, however AIC publishes notes from the Leadership Group meetings on their website to uphold transparency on the work and decisions taken by the Leadership Group, and this is available to all AIC Members.
25 January 2024 - Leadership Group meeting agenda
The Leadership Group will meet on Friday, 26 January to discuss the following agenda items:
- Action point review
- Consultation feedback
- Post-consultation process
- Communications
24 January 2024 - Leadership Group meeting - Key notes and actions
The Leadership Group met on Friday, 19 January to discuss the following agenda items:
Consultation review
- It was reaffirmed AIC has repeatedly emailed information about the digital passport to TASCC scheme Participants, encouraging awareness and engagement.
- Feedback to AIC this week has been light. Contacting hauliers in response to the merchant group meeting from the 8/1/24 remains an outstanding action. An AIC Scotland Members meeting is taking place 26/1/24 online.
22 January 2024 - Explainer material for growers, hauliers and merchants
The following documents explaining what a Digital Passport (Combinable Crops) would mean in practice for growers, hauliers and merchants have been uploaded.
Go to the "Related Documents" page of AIC's Digital Passport (Combinable Crops) Hub, or click below to view and download this material.
19 January 2024 - Leadership Group meeting agenda
The Leadership Group will meet on Friday, 19 January to discuss the following agenda items:
- Action point review
- Consultation feedback
- Communications
- Success criteria: the decision-making process
- Usage charge paper
- Supporting stakeholder documents: 1-2 page document explainers
19 January 2024 - Meeting minutes of AIC DGP Working Group
Minutes from a meeting of AIC's Digital Grain Passport Working Group, which was held on 15 January 2024, have been uploaded.
Please click below to view and download a PDF copy of these meeting notes, or go to the Related Documents section of the Digital Passport (Combinable Crops) Hub for AIC Members.
18 January 2024 - Leadership Group meeting - Key notes and actions
The Leadership Group will meet on Friday, 12 January to discuss the following agenda items:
- Membership changes to the Leadership Group were noted: Luke Cox, NFU Combinable Crops Policy Adviser and Debbie Delves, AHDB Senior Project Manager join as of 12 January 2024. Anthony Hopkins left 15 December 2023
Consultation feedback
- General feedback from farmers attending the Oxford Farming Conference was noted as "the right thing to do"
- Leadership Group members held a meeting with the Mark Ryland Merchant Group
- AIC feedback:
- A meeting for AIC Scotland Members is planned for 26 January
- AIC’s Arable Marketing Committee will meet on 29 January
- AIC’s Policy Forum, of all its sector chairs (including Arable Marketing, Feed and Seed), will take place on the 30 January
- NFUS feedback:
- Regional meetings are underway across Scotland, for the first time since the consultation began, with questions being raised, many of which are answered in the FAQs, mainly focussing on the validity of the costs
- NFU feedback:
- Engagement level has been good
- Newsletters have been sent out to Members along with social media posts
- The press release for January 2024 was approved and agreed to duly circulate to industry, with amendment noted for the consultation close date to be used, rather than remaining number of weeks
- The Leadership Group discussed further promo platforms to access, from Farmers Weekly, Farmers Guardian, Farming Today and the BBC, to help reach as many stakeholders as possible through the supply chain
12 January 2024 - Digital Passport (Combinable Crops) Business Case consultation press release
AHDB has issued a press release reminding the industry of the 2 February consultation deadline to feedback on the Business Case for a Digital Passport (Combinable Crops).
Click below to view and download a PDF copy of the press release.
5 January 2024 - AHDB security specification documents
AHDB has circulated the following documents relating to the security specification for a Digital Passport (Cominable Crops). Please click below to view the documents.
10 January 2024 - Leadership Group meeting agenda
The Leadership Group will meet on Friday, 12 January to discuss the following agenda items:
- Action point review
- Consultation feedback
- Communications
2023 blog
19 December 2023 - Leadership Group meeting - Key notes and actions
The Digital Grain Passport Leadership Group met on Friday, 15 December:
Industry consultation feedback
- The two main areas of focus for questions has been around the validity of the cost benefit analysis and integration costs to businesses, from both small and larger businesses. Concern on software development costs has been queried. As the business case is based on assumptions, the group agreed for practical, real-world specific solutions for SMEs requires more focus, including support structures which would be made available.
- AIC held webinar on 5/12/23. A series of question were answered by AHDB. The main questions were around accuracy of costs.
- AIC has a Digital Passport working group meeting 15/12/23, which will also be attended by AHDB. AIC has advised its Members the deadline for feedback will be the 25/1/24, to allow time for collation ahead of a final decision.
- There will be an Arable Marketing Committee meeting, and an extraordinary policy forum, if required.
Communications update
- The Leadership Group agreed that a press release for the first week in January was required, with a follow-up a week or so later to keep momentum to encourage stakeholders to read the business case within the first half of the month, in order to make informed opinion both in an individual and organisational perspective. Include a push on the FAQs, which hyperlink to the Business Case.
- Integration costs requires focus to put real-world examples together and for this to be promoted in the second round of communications on the consultation in the New Year.
- Industry support: what does positive look like? A discussion was held on how the wider industry might adopt the Digital Passport in a positive way, and what are the blockers in the business case. Views were taken on how the Leadership Group creates their final position, bringing the consultation into total view and lead into an implementation.
- The group agreed to hold a regular group meeting on 19/1/24 to keep momentum during consultation.
- AHDB to look at what the likely integration costs were at processor, haulier and also the producer level of existing digital systems in other sectors where a move away from paper has been implemented (such as cattle).
- Debbie Delves has been assigned as AHDB Project Manager for the Digital Passport and would like to attend the Leadership Group meetings for a detailed understanding on developments in order to support the project now, and in the future, should a decision be made to proceed with the build. The Leadership Group agreed for the inclusion.
14 December 2023 - Leadership Group meeting agenda
The Leadership Group will meet on Friday, 15 December to discuss the following agenda items:
- Action point review
- Consultation feedback
- Industry support: what does positive look like?
- Comms
5 December 2023 - Leadership Group meeting - Key notes and actions
The Digital Grain Passport Leadership Group met on Friday, 1 December:
AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds Sector Council update:
A summary of the project timeline and reminder of the C&O Sector Council key tests was given, along with a review of the Business Case, to update the AHDB C&O Sector Council Chair.
Digital Passport timeline summarised from January 2023 to February 2024.
A reminder of the AHDB C&O Sector Council key tests was noted
- All members of the Leadership Group support the proposed Business Case.
- Industry supports the proposal to ministers for a levy rate that allows for delivery of the priorities and any DGP funding does not prevent a higher priority with levy payers being funded.
- The Sector Council is confident that the Business Case is feasible, addresses all reasonable and material points and represents value for money for levy payers.
Summary review of the Business Case
A summary explanation of the Business Case was given, outlining the decisions taken on framework and specific content.
AHDB C&O Sector Council Chair points noted:
- Full disclosure on decision making is appreciated within the Business Case with the inclusion of ruled out options.
- All members of the Sector Council will be required to read the full Business Case and supporting FAQs. Conversations are initially expected to focus on three broad areas of principle (including value), timeline, and budget.
- Defra will be approached to gauge the Department’s appetite for funding/partial funding, now the Business Case is written.
- The procurement process for a build supplier is running in parallel to the consultation process and remains on track with the tender window open until mid-December 2023. This will provide a firm quote for the Leadership Group to base their findings on, in readiness for a final decision to proceed to the AHDB C&O Sector Council for funding. This also allows the AHDB project team to ensure risk mitigations are in place to minimise the chance of cost overruns (n.b. Audit committee is due to meet February 2024). A contingency will be included in the final set of figures once the quote is known from the successful build supplier.
- The AHDB C&O Sector Council decision will be met by consensus, however if there are widely different views, it will be met by simple majority with the Chair having the casting vote.
- Data governance permissions: There is an understanding from the Sector Council that not all benefits are expected straight away, and it is appreciated later permissions could add extra value.
AHDB C&O Chair closing comment
The Leadership Group was commended for its efforts in focussing the preceding 12 months on building a robust Business Case.
Given the range of industry representation within the group, as well as the conflicting interests and ideas, this illustrates the collective power that can be achieved. An AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds Sector Council decision will be taken with all the detail considered.
Communications update
- The offer from Farmers Weekly to speak about the Digital Passport on its podcast remains open.
- The Leadership Group should make it known when they are making media comment, to allow a coordinated approach to be taken.
- The Leadership Group agreed to have a consultation comment prepared to give to Farmers Weekly.
- A reminder in the press about the consultation taking place, and where to go for information and opportunity to feedback, was agreed by the LG, timed for 2-3 weeks out during consultation (pre, or just after Christmas). This to also include myth-busting, and notifying of the deadline to get feedback submissions in. This will be drafted in readiness for the next LG meeting 15/12/23.
- The Leadership Group agreed for the FAQs on the AHDB webpage to include a hyperlink to the detailed corresponding section of the Business Case to help readers navigate and read the contents more efficiently.
1 December 2023 - Leadership Group meeting agenda
The Leadership Group will meet on Friday, 1 December to discuss the following agenda items:
- Action point review
- AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds Sector Council update
- Consultation feedback
- Communications (including podcast)
20 November 2023 - Business Case and industry-wide consultation launched
The Business Case for a Digital Passport (Combinable Crops), previously referred to as a Digital Grain Passport, has been published today (20 November).
An industry-wide consultation on the Business Case will now run until 2 February 2024.
Click below for full details.
17 November 2023 - Leadership Group meeting - Key notes and actions
The Digital Grain Passport Leadership Group met on Friday, 17 November:
Leadership Group Consultation document sign-off: The Leadership Group approved the following documents, after the latest round of amendments.
- Press release (17/11/23) - the Chair confirmed, post-release, the Leadership Group can share as needed.
- FAQs: These will be held on the AHDB webpage. Feedback from non-trade association members will be via a Microsoft Forms submission on the same pages. All active members will be directed to give their views directly to their trade associations, the preferred contacts of which will be noted on the webpage.
- Consultation supporting slide deck for the Leadership Group. The Chair thanked the Leadership Group for their time and commitment in getting the business case ready for industry consultation.
PGRO/Pulses UK
AHDB has met with the Processors and Growers Research Organisation (PGRO) and Pulses UK on 16/11/23 to discuss the Digital Passport.
Agreed circulation of consultation documents, ahead of 20/1123, as noted:
- Press Release circulation to Press Group
- Business Case, press release, AHDB webpage link (for FAQs) and Leadership Group consultation supporting slide deck sent to Leadership Group
- Business Case and Press release and AHDB webpage link (for FAQs) and Chair’s covering letter sent to Data Group and Development Group
- Press release, and a link to the AHDB webpages containing the Business case and FAQs sent to wider industry contacts
16 November 2023 - Leadership Group meeting agenda
The Leadership Group will meet on Friday, 17 November to discuss the following agenda items:
- Action review
- Business case review V6
- Comms update
- Press release approval
- Slide deck approval
- FAQs approval
- Consultation roles and responsibilities
10 November - Leadership Group meeting - Key notes and actions
The Digital Grain Passport Leadership Group met on Friday, 10 November:
Key notes and actions
Business Case V5 review: Comments/edits were noted from V5.
Title page: Trade Associations to provide logos for inclusion on the title page.
Data Group & Development Group Consultation Feedback meetings: It was agreed to schedule meetings of the Data Group & Development Group, to review consultation feedback. When the Business Case is sent to both groups, a note of thanks for their hard work to be included, with an indication after the consultation period, there will be further meetings of the two groups to go through the feedback to ensure everything is aligned.
Procurement process reminder: The procurement process will be run alongside the consultation process. It will be open for a month, to middle-December 2023. Tenders will then be scored. There is representation from the Data Group to provide extensive data and security knowledge.
Tenders will be available to the evaluation panel from the 18 December. The evaluation takes place mid-January 2024. This allows for a three-week period over Christmas and into the New Year where the panel can score the tenders. Group agreed to approach the Data Group and Development Group for a second nominee.
AHDB Cereals & Oilseed Sector Council tests: A covering letter addressed to the AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds Sector Council, was agreed to go with the final Business Case.
Animation repurpose: The group agreed the animation is not appropriate for repurposing, and this should be removed from the AHDB webpage. Communications will be reviewed during consultation and should an animation be required to help boost communications, an animation will be considered again in January 2024.
9 November 2023 - Leadership Group meeting agenda
The Leadership Group will meet on Friday, 10 December to discuss the following agenda items:
- Action point review
- Business cae review V5
- Consultation questions for the Leadership Group
- Sector Council tests
- Communication update
3 November 2023 - Leadership Group meeting - Key notes and actions
The Digital Grain Passport Leadership Group met on Friday, 3 November:
- Consultation timeline: The Digital Passport Industry Consultation opens on 20 November 2023, closing 2 Febraury 2024
- The Leadership Group agreed to proceed with this timeline
Consultation discussion
The Chair confirmed the consultation process is for industry to establish support and if there are any omissions or amendments that industry see as necessary to the Business Case before it is presented to the AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds Sector Council for a decision on whether to proceed with the build and levy fund
It is not a yes/no voting consultation on whether stakeholders want a Digital Passport
The Leadership Group agreed this message must be made clear in the consultation comms material and reflected in the Executive Summary
It is the responsibility of the trade associations represented in the Leadership Group to arrive at a consensus of opinion from their memberships, utilising the comms material made available
Business Case feedback/review
The Digital Passport Draft Business Case V4 (Nov 23) was issued to the Leadership Group on 1 November 2023, for review
Executive Summary: Add clarity on what the consultation is set to achieve
i.e. a process to establish support and if there are any omissions or amendments that industry see as necessary to the business case before it is presented to the AHDB Cereals & Oilseed Sector Council for a decision on whether to proceed with the build and levy fund
It is not a yes/no voting consultation on whether stakeholders want a Digital Passport
Questions 32 Who owns the data? & 33 Who governs the data: The group agreed these questions need further explanation to encompass the rules of engagement on data release and data control.
Question 36 & 37 Security and data breaches: Request was made for both answers to be strengthened for reassurance. Reference secure sign-ins, bespoke security and consider the inclusion of a hyperlink to signpost to something AHDB already have in place for a more in-depth background
For reference Q36 - Will there be systems in place to ensure a high level of a security for my data?
For reference Q37 - Will the DP use tried and tested technology to prevent data breaches?
- Use and release of the FAQs
- The FAQs may be shared as widely as necessary by the Leadership Group as part of the consultation materials available to them, however their release must coincide with the release of the Business Case to industry
- Consultation and comms material
- Press release: This is in process ready for a draft by close 3 November 2023. Publish date expected w/c 13 November 2023
- Infographics: These are in development, with sign-off planned for the Leadership Group meeting 10 November 2023 (comms resource dependent)
- Consultation slide deck: This has been developed pending aesthetic amendments ahead of release to the Leadership Group w/c 6 November 2023
- Noted that AHDB will not run a Digital Passport webinar as part of the consultation, as this is a process lead and performed by the Leadership Group and their respective trade associations
Leadership Group meeting dates (Nov 23 to Jan 24):
Once consultation starts on the 20.11.23, the LG agreed to schedule their group meetings to a fortnightly rotation, with the flexibility to rely on email communications or agree to meet at short notice in the intervening weeks, as needed. The schedule of dates is as noted (DR to organise).
PGRO/Pulses UK
A meeting with PGRO and Pulses UK has been scheduled for 13 November 2023 to discuss the proposals
Data & Development Group membership
Add content to the front page and appendices 9.2 & 9.3 that the sub-groups have been involved in the sign-off of their respective sections only of the business case (n.b. to note sections), and add a timeline of month-by-month activity to the membership tables within the appendices, or other relevant section. This will help to distinguish their role from that of the Leadership Group.
The Data & Development Groups are to receive the business case 17 November 2023, before consultation starts on 20 November 2023
- A timeline of critical dates for the business case, FAQs and comms material to be circulated to the Leadership Group to ensure a timely turnaround of review and feedback is met in the run up to consultation.
- The LG agreed for Tom Clarke (AHDB Cereals & Oilseed Sector Council Chair) to be invited as observer at the next Leadership Group meeting on 10 November 2023 for an update on project status, ahead of the next Sector Council meeting due 6 December 2023
- Alex Waugh, UK Flour Millers (UKFM) Director General, has stepped down from the Leadership Group as of 27 October 2023
- It was agreed to send a note of thanks for Alex’s time and commitment to the project on behalf of the Leadership Group
- Alistair Gale, UKFM Chief Execuitve Officer, remains part of the Leadership Group
2 November 2023 - Leadership Group meeting agenda
The Leadership Group will meet on Friday, 3 November to discuss the following agenda items:
- Actions
- Headline Business Case feedback/review
- Questions for consultation
- Consultation communication material
View the Leadership Group's membership and representation.
1 November 2023 - Leadership Group meeting - key notes and actions
The Digital Grain Passport Leadership Group met on Friday, 27 October:
Key notes and actions
Consultation communications
Request made by the Chair for a communication update to go to the Data and Development groups from the Leadership Group.
- Noting the consultation dates and potential group member involvement as part of the process
- Send the FAQs (as they stand) requesting feedback - Are there any specific/further FAQS needed?
Communication material agreed:
- Press release (following September statement) – release w/c 13 November 2023
- Supporting slide deck (include key questions)
- FAQs
- Podcast
- Animation (proposed January 24)
- Infographics (to be included in executive summary)
- Social media/influencer
- Draft communications timeline
- Suggested consultation questions
26 October 2023 - Leadership Group meeting agenda
The Leadership Group will meet on Friday, 27 October to discuss the following agenda items:
- Actions
- Business Case update/Charging proposals
- Consultation communication material
25 October 2023 - Leadership Group meeting - Key notes and actions
The Digital Grain Passport Leadership Group met on Friday, 20 October:
Key notes and actions
Charging Proposals/Slides for feedback on 27 October 2023
These will be circulated post meeting allowing the Leadership Group to form their feedback for a focussed agenda item 27 October.
1. Slide 1 - animal feed compounders for GB only - 2022/23 season
- The information is collated in AHDB's monthly usage statistics, undertaken on behalf of Defra.
- The raw material intakes are shown in total tonnage.
- Imported wheat carries no levy but does use a passport.
2. Slide 2 - human consumption and industrial products - 2022/23 season
- Due to sensitivity and commerciality reasons, industrial wheat and maize usage, and cereal breakfast food usage have tonnages removed.
Real-time Feedback - "The What"
The reformatted slides were circulated to the Merchant/Processor representatives of the Data Group and Development Group, w/c 16 October 2023, for direct feedback. This amounts to 19 businesses.
Observations and comments noted:
- The indicative list of tests are used at intake to determine whether a load is accepted, rejected, or whether a claim is imposed.
- There is no expectation that all of the tests will be completed.
- Initial feedback from 4 of the 19 businesses contacted, indicate the list is a true reflection of those that may be performed. Fusarium was added for malting barley and for feed.
- The bio-fuel sector has confirmed their tests are correct as shown.
- The group agreed this would need further investigation at the build phase, and not for detailed inclusion in the Business Case.
- The group agreed to sign-off the real-time feedback-WHAT testing list.
Real-time Feedback - "The How"
The group signed-off the real-time feedback – HOW flow diagram.
The final points were confirmed:
- There will be one integration solution required for inbound and outbound data for a recipient.
- The same applies to manual uploads. Both are now indicated by double headed arrows.
Real-time feedback - "The When"
The group signed-off on the Real-time feedback – WHEN.
The final points were confirmed:
- The caveat has been added that, where systems are not integrated, particularly in the early phase of roll out and transition, there is an expectation that data will be fed back daily, as a minimum.
- For example, at the end of the day for that day’s loads, which is particularly relevant where offline sites such as ports, recording loads received on laptops without any connection, can at the end of the day synchronise/upload the data in one batch
- The ambition of instant real-time feedback by integration, will be written into the Business Case.
Consultation communications material
The group considered requirements for the consultation period. Comments noted:
- A detailed set of FAQs
- A blanket presentation, with key elements of the Business Case
- Leadership Group to consider which core parts of the Business Case should be highlighted
- Cost benefit analysis
- Integration costs
- Press release to follow-up on the autumn statement issued in September 2023, scheduled for early November 2023.
- A podcast
- A short animation, which leads readers into the FAQs
- This to include influencer representation supporting the Business Case, from each of the four stakeholder categories: grower, haulier, merchant, and receiver
- Infographics in the Executive Summary
- Consideration to involve key industry representatives to reach out to stakeholders who are not members of trade associations
19 October 2023 - Leadership Group meeting agenda
The Leadership Group will meet on Friday, 20 October to discuss the following agenda items:
- Actions
- Business Case update/Real-time Feedback
- SCOPA Data security feedback
- Consultation communications material
17 October 2023 - Leadership Group meeting - Key notes and actions
The Digital Grain Passport Leadership Group met on Friday, 13 October:
Key notes and actions
Digital Passport Usage Charge – levy/non-levy detail
- Points discussed on the relative proportion of businesses that are/would be using the passport for a majority of non-leviable crops. The suggestion to charge for this usage, along with how to identify businesses was considered.
- Statistics were presented from usage and balance sheet data for domestically grown crops used in industrial purposes and animal feed (raw materials used by animal feed compounders and excluding integrated poultry units + fed on farm).
Real-time feedback - the "what" (crop intake test list)
Feedback from the Leadership Group is as follows:
- The tests as noted are a menu of potential intake tests, rather than an absolute, which will be reported back.
- Action to add a line that there is no expectation for intakes to perform extra tests over and above their normal suite of tests.
- Action to add the option of ‘other’ to the list (useful for taints and descriptions). The option to insert a photograph is sometimes useful.
- The Data Group agreed what can be tested at intake and fed back is real-time data - Action for MC to check the DataG notes to check which crop tests were agreed by the group and confirm.
- It was noted that haulier registration and intake reference should also be included.
Real-time feedback – the "how"
A new diagram introduced, outlining the principle that all weight and quality data would be uploaded to the passport, but growers have a choice about where they access that data (via the DP or via existing third-party systems).
- Action to add clarity to the diagram that one integration will suffice to get data in and out of the DP system.
- Action for the group to consider where the "how" diagram sits in the business case (i.e. annex or elsewhere).
- Feedback noted regarding the line which points up to the DP database cloud (from the automatic upload box).
Real-time feedback – the "when"
- Action to add more detail on the expectation of a 24 hour return of data.
The LG agreed the consultation will start on 20 November 2023 and span to mid-December with a pause for the Christmas season, and then continue to the 2 February 2024.
- The LG agreed to meet in February 2024 to discuss outcomes.
- Routine Sector Council meeting is due in March; however, an exceptional meeting can be held if required to review the outcomes.
Post-April the build and rollout timetable was discussed for inclusion in the Business Case, based on two options of a 9 or 12-month design and build phase. The LG agreed on a 9-month build phase.
Communication material
Discussion on the materials required to be developed and circulated in relation to the consultation period held. Communication activity is an industry driven, AHDB is happy to provide material.
- Action to flesh out the FAQs to provide a consistent approach to common questions.
- Action for AHDB to provide detailed software guidance to support questions such as integration.
- Mechanism to gather and answer questions during the consultation period.
11 October 2023 - Leadership Group meeting agenda
The Leadership Group will meet on Friday, 13 October to discuss the following agenda items:
- Actions
- Business Case updates
- Timeline
- Comms update
10 October 2023 - Leadership Group meeting - Key notes and actions
The Digital Grain Passport Leadership Group met on Friday, 13 October:
Key notes and actions
Real time data
- Review the list of crop quality test results to feedback, in order to refine it for the Leadership Group to sign off in future.
- This needs to include feedback on whether it is acceptable to send back a '"pass" or "fail" against a quality test, rather than the actual numerical result.
Business Case feedback
- Action to re-frame the benefits narrative in Executive Summary and wider Business Case around the CBA, including shifting the benefit from financial to non-financial, with an estimate of the total cost to the industry and appropriate examples of what the costs might be in individual cases.
- Action to check the Business Case wording around transition to digital systems for all types of business to ensure the expectation on both parts of the is equitable and there are clear timescales for resolving the move to fully digital where in control of the business.
- Action to check the Business Case wording around contracts in relation to data feedback to ensure it is clear what agreements and contracts/mechanisms between processors and merchants are needed to ensure that any data shared through Digital Passport is done legally.
5 October 2023 - Leadership Group meeting agenda
The Leadership Group will meet on Friday, 6 October to discuss the following agenda items:
- Actions
- Revised business case content for LG discussion and feedback
- Real time data definition
- Rejection cost breakdown
- Consultation timescales
- Communications
28 September 2023 - Leadership Group meeting agenda
The Leadership Group will meet on Friday, 29 September to discuss the following agenda items:
- Actions
- Business case feedback
- Real time data definition
- DP usage charge
- Rejection cost breakdown
- Annual running cost estimation - breakdown
3. Timescales
- Consultation period
- Build and roll-out
4. Comms update
5. AOB
21 September 2023 - Leadership Group meeting - Key notes and actions
The Digital Grain Passport Leadership Group met on Friday, 15 September:
Key notes and actions
Business Case review/feedback
- Title page: Product title change to Digital Combinable Crops Passport.
- Executive summary:
- Add clarity that the DGP is about transferring data for feed/food safety and not a grain transactional system
- Any addition of costs should be linked to an appendix
- System:
- System specification: Add a paragraph to explain what is happening with the specification
- Data:
- 4.2 Data governance Group: Add clarity to this statement: Data will be shared up and down the supply chain with the aspiration of real-time transfer of data (depending on intake structure, speed of testing, technological capacity, contractual, commercial, and legal restrictions).
- 4.2.1 Real-time data: Add clarity to this statement: It remains a core principle of DGP to return data in ‘real-time’ depending on what is technically possible at intake, considering connectivity, legal and commercial requirements, and timing of assurance database updates.
- 4.2.5 GDPR: Enhance wording to provide a stronger baseline.
- Governance and funding: No changes noted at this feedback session.
- Value:
- Review the costs in this section and show benefits that occur over several years, not limit to one-off costs and one-year benefits
- Rejections – suggestion to contain an example of someone booking in multiple loads, finding there is a problem with the first one and being able to address it before it becomes a problem for every load
- Industry-wide cost benefit analysis: Review and amend this section in line with Section 6-Value.
- Conclusion:
- Add the specific deadline, and more detail on next steps.
- Reproduce the bullet points at the start (as requested in the Exec Summary), also at the end in the conclusion.
- Appendix: No changes noted at this feedback session
- Alistair Gale the new Chief Executive of UK Flour Millers (UKFM), to join the Leadership Group, given that Alex Waugh is standing down as Director General
20 September 2023 - Leadership Group meeting agenda
The Leadership Group will meet on Friday, 22 September to discuss the following agenda items:
- Actions
- Business case review & confirm changes from 15 September
- Executive Summary
- Rationale
- System
- Data
- Governance and funding
- Value
- Industry-wide cost benefit analysis
- Conclusion
- Appendices
3. Communication update
4. AOB
20 September 2023 - Leadership Group autumn statement
The Leadership Group has issues a statement on consultation plans for a Combinable Crops Digital Grain Passport confirmed for October.
Click below to view the PDF statement.
12 September 2023 - Leadership Group meeting agenda
The Leadership Group will meet on Friday, 15 September to discuss the following agenda items:
- Actions
- Business Case review/feedback
- Executive Summary
- Rationale
- System
- Data
- Governance and funding
- Value
- indutry wide cost benefit analysis
- Conclusion
- Appendices
3. Communications update
4. AOB
11 September 2023 - Leadership Group meeting - Key notes and actions
The Digital Grain Passport Leadership Group met on Friday, 8 September:
Key notes and actions
Business Case update:
On 4 September the Development and Data Groups held their section review meetings, to ensure their outputs have been reported correctly. Points of feedback were received and duly actioned, with no significant or material changes required. The first draft (V1) of the full business case was circulated to the Leadership Group on 7 September. The draft Business Case compromises as follows:
1 / Executive Summary: This gives a short snapshot of the overall view of the Business Case.
2 / Rationale: The ‘why’, and 12–18-month past history.
3 / System: This section predominantly covers the work of the Development Group, looking at the scope of system, usability, and functionality.
4 / Data: This section covers the work of the Data Group. (Noted there may be some outstanding questions to resolve built around implementation, rather than theory.)
5 / Governance and funding: Sections 5, 6 and 7, form the newest part of the Business Case, built around the LG conversations regarding ownership and funding models, cost benefit, and individual conversations with stakeholders.
Sections 5 to 7 will need through review, given these areas have not been run by a distinct group (such as the DevG and DataG sections).
6 / Value: See point e. above.
7 / Industry-wide cost benefit analysis: See point e. above.
8 / Conclusion: A short section outlining the direction of travel. (Consoltation period and next steps).
9 / Appendices: These cover, but are not limited to, group memberships, discounted ownership and funding options, supplementary detail with regards to calculations, technology, and different approaches for roll-out.
Business Case initial feedback:
Initial comments were invited, and positively received, with credit to the authors, appreciation of the Executive summary and notable improvement on vision from 18 months ago. First impressions on key questions from farmers, such as funding costs, benefits, ease of use and particularly, resilience, look to be confidently addressed.
- Consultation planner: A consultation planner was introduced to timeline the various key events and activities which are due to take place during Oct/Nov. This will help to ensure support resources are managed efficiently. The chart will be reviewed at the weekly Leadership Group meetings.
- FAQs: An FAQ document is in draft to be supplied to anybody talking about DGP.
31 August 2023 - Leadership Group meeting - Key notes and actions
The Digital Grain Passport Leadership Group met on Friday, 25 August.
Key notes and actions
Integration costs/Leadership Group position
The Leadership Group collectively acknowledged there will be a cost for all organisations regarding integrations, and there will be no special cases to fund costs for individual businesses.
There will be no charge to use the DGP website/application, however costs are to be expected by businesses should they wish to integrate with their own systems, or where hardware, such as computers, laptops, smartphones, or other devices are purchased.
AHDB’s survey of sites receiving grain, indicated a higher percentage than anticipated, of receiving business, who have bespoke software, i.e. merchants, processors, and ports. Given this high proportion;
- It is not feasible to make a useful estimation of implementation costs
- There was a relatively low number of businesses using proprietary off the shelf software
- For these businesses we will seek to integrate by approaching the software company themselves
- The software company puts the solution in place and then make it available to all the customers that use their product
For merchants purely operating under a merchant role, there is no requirements to integrate at all because they are no longer central to the DGP process.
- Merchants who also operate as a sender, (despatching grain from their store), or as a receiver, (with intake into their store) do have a consideration towards integration
Integration remains optional. However, the importance of integration has been prioritised by the work of the Data group, as it supports the core principle of the DGP to return data in real-time depending on what is technically possible at intake, connectivity, and assurance database updates.
- Non-integrated systems potentially will have a lag in the feedback of this data back to growers, particularly for those receivers using manual system spreadsheets
It is recognised integration does not need to begin on day one and can be adopted at any time during the transition period.
- Due to the value and efficiencies full integration brings, it will remain a priority for the project. It is also foreseen that the benefits it brings may see market forces push for a greater uptake.
The Business Case needs to carry an appendix on integration.
A glossary of terms is also required, and for clarity needs to include the definition for integration and transition, and how they relate to the DGP.
- Systems Integration is the joining of a company’s IT system to the digital grain passport system to enable automated sharing of key passport data, by the means of an API
- Transition: The period it will take for industry to move from the paper passport to the digital grain passport, from the point the DGP is ready for use. The transition period is anticipated to run from Harvest 2024 to 31 December 2025
Transition period / Leadership Group position
The transition period was confirmed to run from point the DGP is ready to use and will run from Harvest 2024 to 31 December 2025.
There is a written section in the business case, depiction and three parallel strands of time frame, one of which (system build) covers this area, for clarity.
Development group update
- Meeting was held with Darke and Taylor software writing company on the 24 August. They are an established business of 60 years and have been writing software for five years. They may be interested to tender when the procurement for a build supplier is run.
Business case update
A cascade of review and feedback amendments has begun, as noted:
- The Development and Data Group Chairs and Facilitators are reviewing their sections of the Business Case, with feedback amendments due week commencing 28 August
- Both Groups will then receive their sections for review on 30 August, in readiness for their feedback meetings planned for 4 September
- The Leadership Group will receive the full draft on or before the 8 September to begin their review in readiness for the first formal feedback on 15 September, with second feedback due 22 September
- Final agreement by the Leadership Group takes place on 29 September for the business case, ready for consultation to industry
Remaining areas for completion:
- The overall budget and cost benefit analysis remains pending
- It was noted by the NFU, approximately 5 to 8% of growers are not connected in anyway (e.g. smartphone), to assist in quantifying minimal hardware costs for these businesses
- This is a consistent figure in line with processor receivers
- The provision of a helpline, to assist users will be available as a background option. Similarities can be drawn with the AHDB electronic pig licence system, which is supported by a helpline, operational for approximately 10 years.
- The Executive Summary remains pending
- The security specification is being sent to some businesses to begin a feedback exercise, and it is hoped this will generate detailed questions
- Members of the Leadership Group are to feedback their mechanisms of communication, which can help with the process of rolling out comms to a wider audience, during this period before consultation begins
25 August 2023 - Leadership Group meeting agenda
The Leadership Group will meet on Friday, 25 August to discuss the following agenda items:
- Actions
- Development Group update
- Data Group update
- Business Case update
- Communications
View the Leadership Group's membership and representation.
17 August 2023 - Leadership Group meeting - Key notes and actions
The Digital Grain Passport Leadership Group met on Friday, 11 August.
Key notes and actions
Business Case update
- The AHDB is working on completion of the possible ownership and funding, matters which the Leadership Group has resolved in recent meetings, enabling this to now be populated
- It is hoped that the NFU will be able to support with some data that it might hold regarding the number of farmers who do not have access to a computer or a smartphone
- This will provide a figure which can be factored in for costs to those businesses to acquire devices to use the DGP
- The haulage sector, processors and receivers have all provided figures for this
- The timeline for delivery of the Business Case was confirmed
Development Group update
- Further to the Immingham port visit on 26 July, the AHDB team visited the port of Tilbury on 2 August to view their facilities and intake processes around the way they handle data, read passports, and undertake testing and data feedback were demonstrated
- As a result of these visits, the AHDB team has a clearer understanding of how data flows between businesses
- The ability to have one party reading and accepting the passport, and another uploading the weight and quality data to the system will also work as a model for stores where there is one party operating a store on behalf of another merchant; all of which can now be factored into the specification requirements
Data Group update
- The Data Group met on 31 July to sign-off the remaining documents for the Business Case, this included the Data Governance Structure Proposals
- Part of the proposal review covered the Board’s remit to oversee the feedback of real-time data, over the three-year transition period
- The Group also looked at the National Cyber Security Centre recommendations, and reviewed the five areas of the Business Case that the Group had been tasked with:
- Who owns what data?
- Who can see what data?
- What are the mechanisms and processes through which decisions are made on whether aggregated data can be used or not?
- What are the mechanisms and processes through which any future decisions would be made to extend the passport data requirements?
- How will data be protected?
- The Data Group will be presented with their section of the Business Case on 4 September to ensure it is a true reflection of their outputs, ahead of presentation to the Leadership Group in the first half of September 2023
Business Case appendix/Data security
- The Leadership Group agreed to capture IT security concerns from stakeholders, which have already been raised and resolved, into a baseline guidance paper within the appendices, as reference for any future stakeholders who come forward with similar issues
- The 2 types of queries already raised, in summary are:
- Around the principles of how data will be governed, who will see what data and when
- System security measures to prevent cyber-attacks and external malicious actions
- The AHDB security architect has drafted a robust baseline security specification for the system, and stakeholders are encouraged to come forward with the features that they would expect to see, so they can be included in the specification
Assurance Data Charge
- The Leadership Group agreed further clarity was needed on assurance data charging for the principles to be made clear in the Business Case
Funding options
- The Leadership Group discussed five funding options:
- AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds levy
- Digital Grain Passport voluntary contractual levy
- Commercial charging structure
- Hybrid statutory levy and commercial charge structure
- Grant funding
10 August 2023 - Leadership Group meeting agenda
The Leadership Group will meet on Friday, 11 August to discuss the following agenda items:
- Actions
- Development Group update
- Data Group update
- Funding options
- Business Case update
- Communications
9 August 2023 - Leadership Group meeting - Key notes and actions
The Digital Grain Passport Leadership Group met on Friday, 28 July.
Key notes and actions
Industry feedback
- AIC DGP update webinar on 20 July - AIC held a webinar for Members, supported by members of the Leadership Group.
- This was recorded and has been circulated to all AIC Members. Feedback has been that the webinar was well received in increasing understanding of the project.
- IT security - questions have been received regards requesting DGP IT security protocols.
- AHDB has a newly appointed security architect who is advising, ready for this to be factored into the specification, which is due to be drafted through August.
- Where companies have specific requirements, it is essential they come forward to share them to ensure they can be factored in.
Development Group
- Central stores and ports - the group continues with work to understand data flows and processes in this area.
- A meeting with GAFTA members was held on 18 July - further conversations with port authorities will be required, to introduce the DGP and support the involvement of all the different parties involved at a port (e.g., stevedore/superintendent).
- AHDB visited Immingham and New Holland on 26 July, noting three parties involved at the port, providing a useful insight into operations. ABP is the port authority owning the facility, Independent Shipping Agencies, have the relationship with the exporting agent, and SGS are contracted to do the weighing and testing.
- Connectivity for port operators remains a key concern - for imports no superintendent is involved, and for exports a passport is required with each load.
Data Group update
- The next meeting for the group is scheduled for 31 July.
- The group’s key intention is to sign-off the Data Governance proposals.
- For those unable to attend, comment for sign-off has been requested ahead of the meeting.
- Real-time data will remain a key element of the DGP, with participants given time to integrate, during the 3-year transition period, overseen by the data governance board.
- The group will look at recommendations from the National Cyber Security Centre.
- The five Data Group principles of the Business Case will be reviewed:
- Who owns what data?
- Who can see what data?
- What are the mechanisms and processes through which decisions are made on whether aggregated data can be used or not?
- What are the mechanisms and processes through which any future decisions would be made to extend the passport data requirements?
- How will data be protected?
Ownership, management/operation, and funding options
- The LG discussed the paper and options.
- It was noted that the current paper passport was developed by the industry and therefore ownership of it is collective.
Business Case
- AHDB has been working on the Business Case, populating the LG approved series of headings, most of which are now complete.
- The conclusion and next steps are outstanding parts of the Business Case, with appendices already well populated.
Delivery timeline
- Suggestions were made on the roll out of the Business Case through September, leading up to the consultation phase:
- w/c 4 September - the Data and Development groups review their specific parts of the Business Case, to ensure reporting is a true reflection on their work.
- 8 September - the Business Case is presented to the Leadership Group, as a first complete draft.
- 25 September - AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds Sector Council meeting where an update on project status will be given, including consultation plans.
- After this point, the Business Case becomes publicly available, and consultation begins.
Final costs for proposed software development
- The AHDB team has been working with Audacia, the current platform builders, to establish costs, based on the now simplified requirements.
- This also includes the technology that will be required at collection and delivery points, including elements that need to be operational when offline.
8 August 2023 - Leadership Group meeting agenda
The Leadership Group will meet on Friday, 8 September to discuss the following agenda items:
- Actions
- Business Case update
- Communications
7 August 2023 - Farmers Guardian article on DGP
Members may wish to note an article interviewing NFU Crop Board Chair Matt Culley on the Digital Grain Passport, published on Farmers Guardian's website on 5 August. Mr Culley is DGP Data Group Chair.
Click below to view the Farmers Guardian article.
4 August 2023 - Cereals Liaison Group Industry Communication
The Cereals Liaison Group (CLG) has shared an Industry Communication for 3 August 2023, which includes updates from the Digital Grain Passport Development and Data sub-groups.
To view the PDF, please visit the "Related Documents" page of the DGP Hub.
27 July 2023 - Leadership Group meeting agenda
The Leadership Group will meet on Friday, 28 July to discuss the following agenda items:
- Actions
- Ownership, management/operation, and funding options
- Business case update
- Delivery timeline
- Consultation planning and structure
- Comms requirement for consultation
- Industry feedback
- Development Group update
- Data Group update
20 July 2023 - Cereals Liaison Group Industry Communication
The Cereals Liaison Group (CLG) has shared an Industry Communication for 14 July 2023, which includes updates from the Digital Grain Passport Development and Data sub-groups.
To view the PDF, please visit the "Related Documents" page of the DGP Hub.
19 July 2023 - The Scottish Farmer article on Digital Grain Passport progress
Members may wish to note an article published on The Scottish Farmer website on 10 July regarding the latest on the Digital Grain Passport project.
18 July 2023 - Leadership Group meeting - Key notes and actions
The Digital Grain Passport Leadership Group met on Friday, 14 July.
Key notes and actions
Development Group
- Various store scenarios are being investigated to ensure all possibilities are encountered
- A meeting with GAFTA and Port Superintendents is scheduled to look at processes and data flows
- Concerns over data control remain in discussion, however these issues are being explored by the work of the Data Group
Data Group
- The Group met on the 10th July and have concluded the string trades and data visibility work, both were approved for the Business Case
- Focus and discussion remains on the data governance proposals
- A discussion on the definition of real-time was held
- Points of clarity and rules will be needed in the proposals to address real-time return of data, to give instant feedback and information
- Caveats around the rules will need to acknowledge some data return, such as oilseeds, will take longer
- The Data Governance Board structure proposals were also discussed, it is anticipated much of the content will be ready for the Leadership Group to consider in time for the Business Case
- Data storage limits, data stripping, long-term rules and force majeure processes remain as topics to resolve
- The Data Group is scheduled to meet again on 31 July 2023
Ownership, management/operation and funding options
- The Leadership Group continues to consider and discuss the possible options
Communication update
- The press circulation will receive a link to the AHDB DGP web pages for the update
13 July 2023 - Digital Grain Passport Business Case: Qualifying Principles for an AIC decision
Working in support of modern sustainable commercial agriculture, AIC has set out the qualifying principles upon which it will base a decision on the development of a Digital Grain Passport.
Please click below to read the Member briefing.
12 July 2023 - Leadership Group meeting agenda
The Leadership Group will meet on Friday, 14 July to discuss the following agenda items:
- Actions
- Industry feedback
- Sub-group update: Development
- Sub-group update: Data
- Ownership, management/operation, and funding options
- Communications
12 July 2023 - Leadership Group meeting - Key notes and actions
The Digital Grain Passport Leadership Group met on Friday, 7 July.
Key notes and actions
Development Group
- Work continues on gathering information around operational processes and data flows for commercial stores and ports.
- A meeting with GAFTA is scheduled.
- FAQs remain in focus as the group moves nearer completion on tasks.
- A discussion around PodFather was revisited, to clarify their position in not contributing further to the DGP, at this stage. It was reaffirmed this was due to a fundamental difference in requirements, primarily the availability of a portal, or means of the sender inputting data to it
Data Group
- The next meeting of the Data Group takes place on 10.07.23. The agenda contains:
- Revising the String Trades diagram and Data Ownership and Visibility table, for sign-off, following adjustments made.
- A discussion on the expectations of real-time data within the DGP.
- An update on the Governance Structure proposals.
- Noted, any proposals on the governance structure will require the Leadership Group to agree and formalise the Terms of Reference.
Ownership, management/operation and funding options (Initial discussion)
- The group were introduced to the paper and options, to begin conversations.
Communication update
- The letter from the LG was circulated to press, in response to the Farmers Weekly article w/c 03.07.23
Processor/Receiver Survey
- Response rate is up to 86, with good coverage across all sectors (milling, malting, feed and merchant commercial stores)
11 July 2023 - Webinar: Digital Grain Passport update for AIC Members and Scheme Participants
On Thursday 20 July, AIC Members and AIC Scheme participants are invited to join a webinar update on the Digital Grain Passport project.
Please click below for full details, agenda and registration link.
10 July 2023 - Cereals Liaison Group Industry Communication
The Cereals Liaison Group (CLG) has shared an Industry Communication for 30 June 2023, which includes updates from the Digital Grain Passport Development and Data sub-groups.
To view the PDF, please visit the "Related Documents" page of the DGP Hub.
10 July 2023 - Agri Trade News article
Members may wish to note an article published in the July 2023 issue of Agri Trade News on the Digital Grain Passport.
To view the PDF, please visit the "Related Documents" page of the DGP Hub.
7 July 2023 - Software and connectivity survey of grain receiving sites
In order to further understand the technology landscape at grain intake sites, such as processors, TASCC stores and port intakes, AIC would be very grateful if Members or scheme Particpants could spend five minutes completing a survey by close of play Friday, 7 July.
Please click below to read the related Member briefing with further details and link to the survey.
6 July 2023 - Leadership Group meeting agenda
The Leadership Group will meet on Friday, 7 July to discuss the following agenda items:
- Actions
- Industry feedback
- Sub-group update: Development
- Sub-group update: Data
- Initial discussion and feedback on ownership, management/operation and funding options
- Communications
- Timeline
5 July 2023 - Leadership Group meeting - Key notes and actions
The Digital Grain Passport Leadership Group met on Friday, 30 June.
Key notes and actions
Stakeholder engagment continues with both online and face to face meetings, to discuss concerns and issues for understanding.
- C&O Sector Council Chair, Tom Clarke has written a letter, now submitted, relating to wider questions on the work of AHDB
- Given the recent outdated DGP articles in Farmers Weekly, a written response by the LG was signed-off, to publicly put on record the DGP position, an updated timeline is also to be included
- The DGP Industry update draft has been circulated to the LG for approval
3 July 2023 - Software and connectivity survey of grain receiving sites
AIC is encouraging members to assist AHDB with a survey to better understand current technology landscapes at grain receiving sites such as processors, TASCC stores and port intakes, as part of the Digital Grain Passport project.
AIC would be very grateful if members (or scheme particpants) could spend 5 minutes completing the below survey by the close of play Friday 7th July.
The results will help the DGP development group refine their proposals for inclusion in the business case.
The form is available at this link:
29 June 2023 - Leadership Group meeting agenda
The Leadership Group will meet on Friday, 30 June to discuss the following agenda items:
- Actions
- Stakeholder meetings feedback
- Sub-group update: Development
- Sub-group update: Data
- Communications
27 June 2023 - Cereals Liaison Group Industry Communication
The Cereals Liaison Group (CLG) has shared an Industry Communication for 23 June 2023, which includes updates from the Digital Grain Passport Development and Data sub-groups.
To view the PDF, please click below or visit the "Related Documents" page of the DGP Hub.
27 June 2023 - Leadership Group meeting - Key notes and actions
The Digital Grain Passport Leadership Group met on Friday, 23 June.
Key notes and actions
Development Group
- Next full meeting will be held on 27 June 2023
- Meetings with assurance bodies have now concluded
- A meeting with Scottish Quality Crops was held on 20 June, following meetings with Red Tractor and TASCC
- Technology provider meetings have now concluded
- A new procurement exercise will be run for a build supplier in the event of going out to tender
Data Group
- A full meeting was held on 20 June 2023
- Work to adjust and sign off the string trade diagram and permissions chart continues
- The Governance Board structure proposals were discussed - points and concerns noted are to be taken into consideration for the next meeting
- A draft response to a Farmers Weekly article (published on 6 June) was reviewed by the Leadership Group
19 June 2023 - Leadership Group meeting agenda
The Leadership Group will meet on Friday, 23 June to discuss the following agenda items:
- Actions
- Industry feedback
- Sub-group update: Development
- Sub-group update: Data
- Communications
19 June 2023 - Leadership Group meeting - Key notes and actions
The Digital Grain Passport Leadership Group met on Friday, 16 June.
Key notes and actions
Development Group
- Next full meeting will be held on 27 June 2023
- A simple online survey is being conducted with processor and store business represented on the sub-groups to better understand the software and connectivity, particularly at grain intakes
- A meeting with Scottish Quality Crops is planned for 21 June
Data Group
- Next full meeting to be held on 20 June 2023
- The main focus will be agreeing the remit of the Data Governance Board, looking at permissions, and sign-off on string trades, along with a review of the permission and ownership data slide
Devolved nations
- Leadership Group members were asked if there were any issues in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales which might pose an issue regarding Digital Grain Passport governance and data movement, and to be mindful of these as the work progresses
- No issues came forward, and it was noted that the grain passport is not used in Northern Ireland
16 June 2023 - Leadership Group meeting agenda
The Leadership Group will meet today (Friday, 16 June) to discuss the following agenda items:
- Actions
- Sub-group update: Development
- Sub-group update: Data
- Communications
15 June 2023 - Leadership Group meeting - Key notes and actions
The Digital Grain Passport Leadership Group met on Friday, 9 June.
Key notes and actions
Development Group
- Next full meeting will be held on 27 June 2023
- An all-day session with Audacia was held on 1 June 2023 to look at the proposals from the Development Group and how they impact on the original tendered design - no problems were foreseen with the simplified process
- Further detail was explored around how the system could work at the key points around collection and delivery and the interaction in devices between the storekeeper, grower, the driver and the intake equipment
- Three different proposals were suggested on how data could be exchanged between devices - Quick Response (QR) codes, Bluetooth and NFC (Near Field Communication) were discussed
- Data flows were mapped out to visualise the different situations, allowing for both connection/no connection
- Proposals from Audacia will be presented to the Development Group on 27 June 2023 to ensure they are in line with expectations
Data Group
- Next full meeting to be held on 20 June 2023
- The group is progressing with a Data Governance Board set-up
- Access to the data within the DGP would be controlled by the Data Governance Board
- A Farmers Weekly article on the DGP publish on 6 June 2023 was discussed and agreed by the Leadership Group to be inaccurate, and not a reflection of the current status of the project
- It was agreed for a press release to be arranged after Cereals to counter the messaging
- Leadership Group agreed to move to fortnightly meetings from 14 July 2023 to take account of busy schedules during harvest
13 June 2023 - AHDB publishes DGP summer update timeline and industry communications
Ahead of the Cereals Event 2023, AHDB has published the below documents to communicate the latest information regarding the Digital Grain Passport project to farmers.
Click below to download and view a PDF of the following documents.
5 June 2023 - Cereals Liaison Group Industry Communication
The Cereals Liaison Group (CLG) has shared an Industry Communication for 2 June 2023, which includes updates from the Digital Grain Passport Development and Data sub-groups.
To view the PDF, please click below or visit the "Related Documents" page of the DGP Hub.
1 June 2023 - Leadership Group meeting - Key notes and actions
The Digital Grain Passport Leadership Group met on Friday, 26 May.
Key notes and actions
Industry feedback
- AIC's DGP Working Group met on 23 May - meeting notes will follow
- Alternative platform building options were discussed by the Leadership Group, including examples already used in the logistics industry
Development Group
- The AHDB team and others are currently in the process of holding demo meetings with various software providers. These include:
- Kisan Hub
- Podfather
- Hectare Agritech
- The Pig Movement Scheme is also being assessed
- Suggestions of other platform providers via AIC's Member Feed-in Form are welcome
- AHDB is also arranging to meet with assurance bodies to understand their requirements
Data Group
- Next meeting scheduled for 30 May
31 May 2023 - Leadership Group meeting agenda
The Leadership Group will meet on Friday, 2 June to discuss the following agenda items:
- Actions
- Sub-group update: Development
- Sub-group update: Data
- Communications
24 May 2023 - Leadership Group meeting agenda
The Leadership Group will meet on Friday, 26 May to discuss the following agenda items:
- Actions
- Industry feedback
- Sub-group update: Development
- Sub-group update: Data
- Communications
- Timeline
24 May 2023 - Leadership Group meeting - Key notes and actions
The Digital Grain Passport Leadership Group met on Friday, 19 May.
Key notes and actions
Industry feedback
- AIC's Robert Sheasby plans to present DGP progress to the Bristol Corn Trade Association (BCTA) in early June. He attended the BCTA Spring lunch recently and talked about DGP activity, including the involvement of AIC and industry.
- NFU continues to have meetings with its members to hear concerns and answer questions
- NFUS held its Crops Board meeting was held on 17 May where DGP was a main agenda item
Development Group
- Online meeting held on 9 May
- There is clearer focus working on the streamlined version of the passport, meaning the FAQs and exceptions are also slimmed down
- Meetings with the assurance schemes are now underway, to understand their requirements
- The AHDB team will meet with platform developers Audacia on 1 June
- An open procurement process is in place, allowing Audacia and alternative suppliers to be condisered while the Business Case is developed
- Two-way flow of data and mechanisms used by these suppliers was discussed
- All stakeholders have agreed that weight and quality data will be feedback
Data Group
- Online meeting held on 16 May
- Earlier Agrimetrics work - a proposal previously developed to govern the use of data - was reassessed
- There was broad agreement on major points including data ownership - this will be finalised at the next meeting
- Concerns over governance of the data going forward, and during the AHDB's three-year transition period, with realisation a Data Governance Board with independent Chair and full industry representation would be needed
- Next meeting scheduled for 30 May
- A fortnightly sequence of industry updates will now be adopted up until the end of June 2023, circulating to Cereals Liaison Group (CLG), Leadership Group, Development Group and Data Group for dissemination
- See 'Related Documents' webpage for CLG industry communications to date
- Summer show material: The group agreed for a flyer to be created for use at shows, with a link pointing to the AHDB website for more detailed information
23 May 2023 - AIC DGP Working Group meeting agenda
AIC's Digital Grain Passport Working Group will meet today (23 May) to discuss the following agenda items:
- Background update - Robert Sheasby
- Timeline of work since April 2023
- Update from Development Group meetings - George Mason
- Update from Data Group meetings - Matt Culley
AIC's Digital Grain Passport hub webpage
Industry updates
15 May 2023 - Leadership Group meeting agenda
The Leadership Group will meet on Friday, 19 May to discuss the following agenda items:
- Actions
- Industry feedback
- Sub-group update: Development
- Sub-group update: Data
- Communications
- Timeline
12 May 2023 - Cereals Liaison Group Industry Communication (April and May 2023)
The Cereals Liaison Group (CLG) has shared an Industry Communication for April and May 2023, which includes updates from the Digital Grain Passport Development and Data sub-groups.
To view the PDF, please click below or visit the "Related Documents" page of the DGP Hub.
11 May 2023 - British Farmer & Grower article
Members may wish to note an article published in the May 2023 issue of British Farmer & Grower magazine on the Digital Grain Passport. Click below to view the PDF.
10 May 2023 - Draft Digital Grain Passport "lite" Process Map
Further to the proposed “lite” version of the Digital Grain Passport made at the Development Group meeting on 19 April, a Process Map has been drafted.
To view the draft Process Map [PDF], click below or visit the Related Documents page of AIC's Digital Grain Passport Hub.
10 May 2023 - Leadership Group meeting - Key notes and actions
The Digital Grain Passport Leadership Group met on Friday, 5 May.
Key notes and actions
Industry feedback
- AIC Scotland Members have been updated on Business Case progress
- AIC continues to update its DGP Hub webpages for its Members
Development Group
- Meeting held with assurance schemes Red Tractor, Scottish Quality Crops and Trade Assurance Scheme for Combinable Crops (TASCC) to update them on the simplified DGP process
- Once agreed by the Leadership Group, this process map will be shared with AIC Members
- Next online meeting to be held on 9 May
Data Group
- Preliminary online meeting was held on 2 May
- Introduction and scene set to group members
- Questions and comments regarding:
- Establishing costs as soon as possible for the Business Case
- Availability of funds for legal advice if required at this stage
- Defra’s requirement for data access
- Backup in the event of system failure
- National Cyber Security Centre has been looking at security across the agrifood sector
- Suggested that aggregated data usage in the development and transition phase should be revisited
- Whether a central hub is proposed or distributed ledger
- Timeline for re-engaging with Audacia (digital platform developers) to bring them up to speed on latest approach discussed
- Further online meetings scheduled for 16 and 30 May
- Further communication discussions underway
- Resourcing discussed
- Key part of messaging will be to encourage maximum involvement from all stakeholders
- Plan for 2023 shows and events discussed
4 May 2023 - Leadership Group meeting agenda
The Leadership Group will meet on Friday, 5 May to discuss the following agenda items:
- Actions
- Industry feedback
- Scotland
- Sub-group update: Development
- Assurance scheme meeting update
- Sub-group update: Data
- NCSC update
- Communications
- Communications group
- Shows in June and July
- Timeline
4 May 2023 - Leadership Group meeting - Key notes and actions
The Digital Grain Passport Leadership Group met on Friday, 28 April.
Key notes and actions
Industry feedback
- Efforts to keep an open dialogue with all groups continue to ensure a full range of views are heard and concerns registered
- Stakeholders seeking clarity on the current status of the Digital Grain Passport can approach AHDB’s Cereals and Oilseeds Sector Council for clarification
- NFU has held regional meetings for its members to communicate recent updates
- AIC continues to update its DGP Hub webpages for its Members
- AIC Scotland held a meeting on 26 April which served to clarify the process of the development of a Business Case for a Digital Grain Passport
- Members of the Leadership Group will attend the Scottish Corn Trade Dinner (4 May) and Bristol Corn Trade Event (6 June) where discussion is invited
Development Group
- Further to the proposed “lite” version of the DGP made at the Development Group meeting on 19 April, a Process Map has been drafted
- See 28 April 2023 - Development Group meeting - Key notes and actions for further details on this proposal
- Next online meeting to be held on 9 May
Data Group
- Preliminary online meeting was held on 2 May
- Agenda covered introductions, background of data, terms of reference, data concerns and revisiting the agrimetrics presentation
- Further online meetings scheduled for 16 and 30 May
3 May 2023 - AIC launches feed-in form for Members
An online form has been launched by AIC to make it easier for Full Members to submit their questions and feedback on the Digital Grain Passport project.
Hosted on the Digital Grain Passport hub page of AIC's website, the feed-in form can be used by Full Members to assist AIC's work to represent their interests and engage with the industry-wide effort to evaluate the viability and suitability of a Digital Grain Passport.
28 April 2023 - Development Group meeting - Key notes and actions
The Digital Grain Passport Development Group met on Wednesday, 19 April.
- First meeting was held on 19 April, chaired by George Mason
- 24 members attended
- The group outlined the importance of a passport and the process of a standard grain delivery.
- A proposal was made for a “lite” version of the DGP, with the remit to digitalise the paper passport.
- Outline of proposed flow noted below, agreed by the Development Group:
- a. Passport to start on farm, with haulier involvement. The haulier passes the passport to the receiver when they arrive, electronically.
- b. On the day of collection, the vehicle will arrive on farm.
- c. The farmer will have the ability to pre-populate electronic passports.
- d. Vehicle arrives and the driver confirms the load and recipient, with the farmer.
- e. Farmer and haulier live time assurance checks take place.
- f. They both check the lorry is clean and they load the lorry.
- g. Passport completion checks are done, for all information to be present and correct.
- h. Vehicle leaves and transits the load to recipient.
- i. On arrival at the weighbridge there will be a QR code/barcode (or similar check in system), to download all of the above information. The recipient receives assurance numbers and all the information the paper passport currently gives (dons/zons etc).
- j. Load weighs into recipient’s intake system, by the delivery reference number.
- k. Lab tests take place, the load gets tipped.Vehicle weighs out, and the delivery data which is weighbridge and quality data, then gets fed back into the central hub for distribution to all the other parties.
- Outline of proposed flow noted below, agreed by the Development Group:
27 April 2023 - Leadership Group meeting agenda
The Leadership Group will meet on Friday, 28 April to discuss the following agenda items:
- Actions
- Industry feedback
- Sub-group update: Development
- Sub-group update: Data
- Communications
- Timeline
- Business Case production
26 April 2023 - Leadership Group meeting - Key notes and actions
The Digital Grain Passport Leadership Group met on Friday, 21 April.
Key notes and actions
Industry feedback
- AIC held its Digital Grain Passport Working Group on 14 April with approximately 20 Members attending
- AIC continues to update its DGP Hub webpages for its Members
Development Group
- First meeting was held on 19 April, chaired by George Mason
- 24 members attended
- The group outlined the importance of a passport and the process of a standard grain delivery
- A proposal was made for a “lite” version of the DGP, with the remit to digitalise the paper passport
- See 28 April 2023 - Development Group meeting - Key notes and actions for further details
Data Group
- Group members are being nominated following Matt Culley’s appointment as Chair
- Preliminary online meeting scheduled for 2 May
- Agenda to cover introductions, background of data, terms of reference, data concerns and revisiting the agrimetrics presentation
- In-person meeting scheduled for 16 May
- Industry update to be drafted for Leadership Group review and approval
- Timeline to be adjusted to accommodate the Data Group meetings
- It was agreed to have outstanding questions answered before harvest, allowing the business case to be written during harvest with a final decision in September 2023
19 April 2023 - Development Group meeting agenda
The Development Group will meet today (19 April) to discuss the following agenda items:
- Walk-through of grain passports
- Capturing FAQs
- Advantages, efficiencies, and improvements
- Future requirements
- What if – scenario variabilities
- Continue walk-through of grain passports and finalise remaining FAQs
19 April 2023 - Leadership Group meeting agenda
The Leadership Group will meet on Friday 21 April to discuss the following agenda items:
- Actions
- Sub-group update: Development
- Industry feedback
- Sub-group update: Data
- Communications
- Timeline
- Business Case production
19 April 2023 - Leadership Group meeting - Key notes and actions
The Digital Grain Passport Leadership Group met on Friday, 14 April.
Key notes and actions
Industry feedback
- AIC held its Digital Grain Passport Working Group on 14 April to go over feedback and questions submitted
AIC continues to keep its Digital Grain Passport hub webpages updated
- NFU has communicated an update to its members
Development Group
- First meeting to be held on 19 April, chaired by George Mason
- A preliminary meeting was held on 13 April
- Overall, the meeting was positive with good attendance from a range of industry representatives
Data Group
- Matt Culley has been appointed Chair
- The Chair and facilitator (Rose Riby, AIC) will now prepare for the group's formation following the outcomes of the Development Group
13 April 2023 - Scottish Farmer news article
Members may wish to note a Scottish Farmer article on the Digital Grain Passport, published on 10 April.
Visit the Scottish Farmer website to read the article.
12 April 2023 - Leadership Group meeting agenda
The Leadership Group will meet on Friday 14 April to discuss the following agenda items:
- Actions
- Industry feedback
- Sub-group update: Development
- Sub-group update: Data
- Communications
- Timeline
12 April 2023 - Leadership group meeting - key notes and actions
The Digital Grain Passport Leadership Group met on Thursday, 6 April.
Key notes and actions
Industry feedback
- Cereals Liason Group (CLG) Industry Update [PDF] was welcomed as useful
- AIC continues to keep its Digital Grain Passport hub webpages updated
- Possible DGP assurance checks information discussed
Development Group
- First meeting scheduled for 19 April
- Group membership totals 26
- Representation from all sectors confirmed
Data Group
- Recruitment for a Chair is ongoing
Scottish representation
- Leadership Group offered to meet Scottish representatives who are unable to attend the Development Group meeting on 19 April
4 April 2023 - Leadership Group meeting agenda
The Leadership Group will meet on Thursday 6 April to discuss the following agenda items:
- Actions
- Industry feedback
- Sub-group update: Development
- Sub-group update: Data
- Communications
- Timeline
3 April 2023 - Leadership Group meeting - Key notes and actions
The Digital Grain Passport Leadership Group met on Friday, 31 March.
Key notes and actions
Business Case
- Framework discussed
- Will be shared with AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds Sector Council
Development Group
- Update provided by Chair ahead of first meeting on 19 April
Data Group
- Recruitment for a Chair is ongoing
- AHDB has prepared statement to be shared with Cereals Liaison Group and wider industry, as appropriate
- Ambition remains for delivery of Business Case by Cereals 2023 (13-14 June)
- AHDB confirmed it would be possible to hold a Cereals & Oilseeds Sector Council meeting to discuss the Business Case as a single item
29 March 2023 - Leadership Group meeting agenda
The Leadership Group will meet on Friday 31 March to discuss the following agenda items:
- Actions
- Business case framework
- Industry feedback
- Sub-group update: Development
- Sub-group update: Data
- Communications
- Timeline
27 March 2023 - Leadership Group meeting - Key notes and actions
The Digital Grain Passport Leadership Group met on Friday, 24 March.
Key notes and actions
Business Case
- Framework discussed
- Agreed that the Business Case document should be brief with annexes for supporting evidence and documents
Industry feedback
- Discussion around how best to engage Red Tractor and Scottish Quality Crops (SQC) in the development of the project
Development Group
- Meeting to be held on 19 April
- Third planning meeting arranged for 30 March
Data Group
- Recruitment for a Chair is ongoing
- Revised paper to be circulated
- Another draft of proposed communication to industry requested
- Ambition remains for delivery of Business Case by Cereals 2023 (13-14 June)
23 March 2023 - Leadership Group meeting agenda
The Leadership Group will meet tomorrow (24 March) to discuss the following agenda items:
- Actions
- Business case content approval
- Industry feedback
- Sub-group update: Development
- Sub-group update: Data
- Communications
- Timeline
22 March 2023 - AIC to reconvene Working Group
22 March 2023 - AIC meeting with independent merchants
On 20 March, AIC's Chief Executive Robert Sheasby had a meeting with a group on independent grain merchants regarding the Digital Grain Passport project.
20 March 2023 - Leadership Group meeting - Key notes and actions
The Digital Grain Passport Leadership Group met on Friday, 17 March.
Key notes and actions
Development Sub-group progress
- Membership to be finalised – including AIC Members
Data Sub-group progress
- Recruitment for a Chair is ongoing
- Membership to be finalised
- Leadership Group reviewed an amended industry communication drafted by AHDB
- Additional amendments proposed
- Further discussion on wider communication needed
- Further consideration of historic proposals due at the next meeting on 24 March to enable proposals for future ownership to be looked at
Delivery timeline
- Current timeline proposes that AHDB Cereals & Oilseed Council makes a decision on project funding at its May meeting
- Concerns this deadline may be unrealistic
- Ambition remains for delivery of Business Case by Cereals 2023 (13-14 June)
17 March 2023 - Leadership Group meeting agenda
The Leadership Group will meet today to discuss the following agenda items:
- Actions
- Industry feedback
- Sub-group update: Development
- Sub-group update: Data
- Ownership of the Digital Grain Passport
- Communications
- Timeline
15 March 2023 - Leadership Group meeting - Key notes and actions
The Digital Grain Passport Leadership Group met on Friday, 10 March.
Key notes and actions
- Development Sub-group progress
- First meeting to be held in mid-April to work through key questions
- Membership to be finalised
- Data Sub-group progress
- Recruitment for a Chair is ongoing
- Membership to be finalised
- Communications
- Leadership Group requested amendments to a draft AHDB communication presented at the meeting
- To be reviewed at the next meeting on 17 March
- Leadership Group requested amendments to a draft AHDB communication presented at the meeting
- Delivery timeline
- Ambition for development of draft Business Case by May
- Ownership
- Resolution needed regarding Digital Grain Passport ownership following a proposed three-year AHDB set up phase
10 March 2023 - Leadership Group meeting agenda
The Leadership Group will meet today to discuss the following agenda items:
- Development Sub-group update
- Data Sub-group update
- Comms
- Timeline
- Ownership of the Digital Grain Passport
3 March 2023 - Leadership Group meeting - Key notes and actions
The Digital Grain Passport Leadership Group met today.
Key notes and actions
- Business Case key question/tests
- AHDB Cereals and Oilseeds Sector Council has reviewed Business Case key questions/tests and recognise the requirements and concerns of the Leadership Group in moving the project forward
- Writing of the Business Case
- Leadership Group agrees that AHDB should draft the Business Case under its instruction
- Development Sub-group
- Meetings to begin (anticipated March 2023)
- Membership still to be finalised
- Terms of Reference will frame the scope of work [PDF]
- Data Sub-group
- Chair recruitment ongoing
- Meetings to begin (anticipated March 2023)
- Terms of Reference will frame the scope of work [PDF]
- Possibility of exploring Defra funding discussed
- Delivery timeline
- Development of draft Business Case by mid-April 2023
- Agreed ambition for delivery of Business Case by Cereals 2023 (13-14 June)
- Communications
- AHDB update to industry proposed
- Draft AHDB communication to be presented for sign-off by Leadership Group at next meeting on 10 March
3 March 2023 - Leadership Group meeting agenda
The Leadership Group will meet today to discuss the following agenda items:
- Sector Council feedback
- Action point review
- Sub-group membership updates (Development and Data)
- Timeline
- Communications