Delivering on AIC Roadmap ambitions - a progress update for Members;
Renewable Energy Directive II - Feedstocks assured under new Directive;
Proposed expansion of feed sources - outlining a position on PAP for the UK
AIC is increasing its focus on issues that will affect Members over the next 10 years, at both a policy and practical level. Our work is underpinned by three pillars; competitiveness, productivity, and environment. Combined, these pillars enable the agri-supply industry to demonstrate and work towards greater sustainability.
The Trade and Co-operation Agreement with the EU was welcomed in January, but challenges in implementation remain. This continues to be a focus for AIC. In particular, the difficulties for trade with the EU and between GB and Northern Ireland.
With no formal agreement between the UK and EU (at the time of writing) and another UK COVID-19 lockdown, it is clear that the next two months will be pivotal for AIC Members.