Consultation on Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies for livestock feed controls in England and Wales

Members are encouraged to respond to a Government consultation on whether England and Wales should change the national Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSEs) for livestock feed controls.
It follows a similar consultation by the Scottish Government which closed last month, and comes after the European Union amended its legislation to allow the use of a wider range of animal proteins in non-ruminant animal feed in 2021.
The proposed changes for England and Wales are to allow the use of:
- poultry processed animal protein (PAP) in porcine feed
- pig PAP in poultry feed
- insect PAP in pig and poultry feed
- ruminant collagen and gelatine in non-ruminant feed
Key protections will remain in place, including the banning of PAP of ruminant origin being fed to ruminants, a requirement by the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH).
Animal by-product regulations would still prohibit intra-species recycling.
How to respond
Members wishing to respond to the public consultation can do so by answering a series of questions on the GOV.UK website. The consultation will close on 1 April 2025.