Consultations on UFAS, FEMAS and TASCC assurance scheme Standards launched

AIC Services has launched industry-wide consultations on updates to the Standards of three key trade assurance schemes.
Members, Participants and industry stakeholders are encouraged to feedback on the proposed 2024 Standards for the Universal Feed Assurance Scheme (UFAS), Feed Materials Assurance Scheme (FEMAS), and the Trade Assurance Scheme for Combinable Crops (TASCC).
The Schemes assure that materials destined for human consumption, livestock feed and biofuels meet safety requirements defined by legislators and industry.
The Standards of all three Schemes have been reviewed and clauses aligned to develop a common set of requirements and wording, aiding greater understanding amongst Participants.
Any clauses which have changed following the review or are additional to the current scheme are highlighted under the clause reference as "Updated" or "New".
The deadline for responses is 2 October at 17:00. Click below for full details on each of the consultations, how to respond, and to download relevant documents.