Environmental Permitting Regulations (EPR)
Environmental Permitting Regulations (EPR)
Please note that the guidance listed below applies to England. However, and where appropriate, there are links to the controls applying to Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales in these different sets of guidance documents.
Following work with Defra on the Smarter Environmental Regulation Review (SERR) guidance reform, the Environment Agency has reformed the Environmental Permitting Regulations web guidance.
What’s new for Part A 1 feedmills?
For feedmills, operating to ‘Part A 1’ Permit conditions regulated by the Environment Agency, Defra’s decision to reduce the guidance provided has resulted in some changes.
Revised general guidance on “A1 installations: environmental permits” is available here.
There is also a guide on “How you'll be regulated: environmental permits” that briefly explains what an operator can expect from the Environment Agency once they have a Permit.
The Environment Agency has also provided guidance for checking if an environment permit is required.
This revised guidance is now mostly presented in web pages rather than in pdf files.
The Environment Agency has pointed out that the Government guidance for Environmental Permitting Regulations (EPR) has been revised but not changed.
Further to publishing the revised guidance, the following Environmental Permitting Regulations guidance documents and web pages have been archived:
- How to comply with your environmental permit;
- H1 risk assessment guide (attached) and supporting annexes;
- Most regulatory guidance notes (RGNs);
- Check if you need a permit GOV.UK pages;
- Apply for a permit GOV.UK pages.
A revised charging structure was introduced from 1 April 2019. Details of the Charging Scheme, Schedule and Guidance are available here https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/environmental-permitting-charging-scheme.
Environmental permitting charges guidance and the following help line has been made available to address questions from the industry:-
These new charges follow a long period of face to face consultation with industry (see attached internal AIC supporting summary).

In summary the system has moved from the ‘OPRA system’ to a ‘services used’ structure.
Information for companies/customers
Companies/customers will be able to search in GOV.UK for what they need. If they search for a particular document title that no longer exists then they will be redirected.
Feedback on the revised pages may be given by following the link at the bottom of the relevant page on GOV.UK. The Environment Agency will regularly review feedback to identify any further required changes to the content.
Where to get more help
National Customer Contact Centre
PO Box 544
S60 1BY
Email:- [email protected]
Telephone:- 03708 506 506
Telephone outside the UK (Monday to Friday, 8am to 6 pm GMT) +44 (0) 1709 389 201
Minicom (for the hard of hearing) 03702 422 549 Mon to Friday, 8 am to 6 pm.
What’s new for Part B feed mills?
Statutory guidance for animal feed compounding ‘Part B’ (Local Authority) permitted feedmills (PG6 26), i.e. guidance on best available techniques (BATs) has been revised