18 Jul 2023

FAQs: Renewable Energy Directive (RED) II

The following Frequently Asked Questions have been compiled to help UK assurance scheme Participants who are currently certified to RED II navigate any possible changes to their assurance status.

The original Renewable Energy Directive (2009/28/EC) established a policy for the production and promotion of energy from renewable sources in the EU.

This is now RED II (recast Renewable Energy Directive (EU) 2018/2001) and aims to meet the EU to target to fulfil at least 32% of its total energy needs with renewable sources by 2030.

Find out more about RED II on the AIC Services website, and more about the potential changes by the European Commission below.

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Why has the potential change in RED II assurance come about for UK Participants?

It is a requirement of the RED II Implementing Regulation that certification bodies are accredited within the EU.

Since the UK withdrew from the EU the accreditation of the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) doesn’t meet these requirements, which could result in loss of voluntary scheme status for UK schemes (AIC, RT, SQC).

What does this mean for an assurance scheme Participant’s current RED II assurance?

The final outcome isn’t yet clear, although there is a risk that Participants in UK RED II schemes would not be able to supply the domestic and European market in future.

AIC has been working with other voluntary schemes, the industry, and the Government to resolve the potential loss of the UK's biofuels assurance status with the European Commission since summer 2023.

In December 2023, the potential for significant disruption to the UK biofuels market was avoided after the European Commission announced that "more time is needed for the implementation of Article 11(1) of the Implementing Regulation on certification".

This decision was welcomed by AIC as it removed the potential for UK voluntary scheme recognition to be withdrawn in the near future, maintaining access to the EU market as a valuable outlet for biofuels under the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) II.

AIC's engagement with all stakeholders on this matter continues, and Members and scheme Participants will be kept up to date with further developments.

What are the possible outcomes?

Since the European Commission's decision to belay implementation at the end of 2023, AIC has continued to work closely with other voluntary schemes, industry, and the Government to ensure a more permanent resolution for the UK biofuels industry is found.

AIC Members will continue to be kept up to date on progress.

The possible outcomes of ongoing discussions are:

  1. The EC makes the decision to continue to recognise UKAS as a National Accreditation Body, so the UK RED II Schemes continue to be recognised
  2. Certification Bodies accredit the current RED Scheme under an EU Accreditation Body, which is recognised by the EC
  3. The DfT recognises the UK-based RED II Schemes, which allows continued compliance with domestic renewable fuels legislation
  4. None of the above actions are successful and the UK schemes lose their RED assurance status

If option 3 or 4 is the final outcome, then alternative assurance against RED II will be required by currently certified companies in order to meet the RED II requirements of customers.

For AIC Members and assurance scheme Participants currently certified to RED II, this would mean new certification under one of the approved schemes listed on the European Commission website.

Will I have to join another RED II assurance scheme?

AIC, RT and SQC are working to ensure this isn't necessary and we will keep you informed of progress.

Can I join another RED II scheme as a precaution?

Yes, although there are important considerations regarding submitted data. Please contact AIC for more information by emailing [email protected].

Is it possible to have a UK-only Renewable Energy Scheme?

While such a scheme does not currently exist, AIC, RT and SQC has explored this option with the Department for Transport (DfT).