13 May 2024
by Hazel Doonan

Grassland Integrated Pest Management (IPM) infographic published by AIC


An infographic explaining how Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices are used effectively in grassland has been developed by the Agricultural Industries Confederation (AIC).

The infographic has been created to help industry stakeholders better understand the key grassland IPM measures being advised on by BASIS-registered agronomistsFACTS-qualified advisersFeed Adviser Register (FAR) advisers and seed advisers.

IPM is a holistic approach to sustainable agriculture that focuses on managing insects, weeds and diseases through a combination of cultural, physical, biological and chemical methods that are cost-effective, environmentally sound and socially acceptable.

The informative new resource is designed to assist AIC Member businesses in the Animal Feed and Crop Protection & Agronomy sectors in conversations with policymakers and industry stakeholders on IPM and the many important actions taken to deliver this on farm. 

AIC has previously developed similar infographics for the arable and horticulture sector.

Downloadable IPM infographics

The Grassland IPM infographic outlines 18 key measures that can be used through the cropping year on farms but this is not intended to be an exhaustive list.

Valuable resource

There is an increased focus on implementing IPM across all food and non-food production which is driven by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) aim cited in the draft National Action Plan for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides to increase the uptake of IPM and sustainable crop protection.

Retailers are also aligning with farmers and growers who practice regenerative agricultural practices.

To view and download a digital version of AIC's grassland IPM infographic in English and Welsh, click below.

A print-ready PDF file and hard copies of this and the arable and horticulture infographics are available by contacting AIC's Head of Crop Protection & Agronomy Hazel Doonan.

Download grassland IPM infographic


Hazel Doonan

Hazel Doonan

Head of Crop Protection & Agronomy, AIC

Hazel is based at AIC Head Office, Peterborough and is responsible for management and coordination of the Crop Protection Sector.

Previous to her role with AIC Hazel was employed in the crop protection industry for 18 years as a BASIS qualified agronomist. She was also responsible for managing a regional agrochemical department with a national distributor.

[email protected]
01733 385251

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