Miscellaneous Legislation and Guidance
FSA - Animal feed legislation: a summary
The legislation summarised by the FSA in this document is divided into three parts: primary legislation; secondary legislation which is the responsibility of the Food Standards Agency; and EU measures which apply directly. This summary is intended only as an outline guide to the legislation, and should not be regarded as comprehensive or definitive. It should be read in conjunction with, and not as a substitute for, the legislation itself.
Guidance on best practice disposal of manure and slurry to reduce spread of antibiotic resistance to the environment
New guidance has been jointly released by the VMD, AHPA and FSA providing updated best practice to reduce the risk of proliferation of antibiotic resistant bacteria and the potential spread through the use of manures. The new guidance (below) covers the following items:-
- Stacking and storage of manure
- Composting of manure
- Storage of slurry
- Anaerobic digestion of slurry and/or manure
- Spreading to land including arable and grass
- Application to land cropped for feed production or grazing
- Hygiene and Biosecurity precautions
- Transport requirements and D10 authorisations