01 Aug 2022

AIC Services Palm Oil Credit Scheme - APOCS

AIC Services Palm Oil Credit Scheme (APOCS)  supports the sustainable production and use of palm oil and its derivatives.  The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) operates a book and claim system, RSPO Credits, which can be purchased to cover usage of palm oil, palm kernel oil and their derivatives. Documents related to the scheme are available below and  here.

AIC is an affiliate member of RSPO and as such, the APOCS system can purchase RSPO Credits on behalf of our feed members and participants of our feed trade assurance schemes.

From the RSPO website:

"Each RSPO Credit amounts to one tonne of certified sustainable palm (kernel) oil that is certified against the RSPO Principles and Criteria by independent accredited certification bodies. This means that with each credit you buy, you are actively supporting sustainable production around the world.

By buying credits, you are contributing to the production of a critical mass of sustainable palm oil products that will help tip the scale towards fully traceable, certified sustainable palm oil products that are economically viable for a great variety of buyers. Additionally, the credit market creates the opportunity for all producers (including independent smallholders) to earn premiums for their sustainability efforts, regardless of their location or size. This makes the credit market sustainable ánd inclusive."

AIC Credits Trademark license number: 8-0209-18-100-00.  Check our progress at www.rspo.org

AIC Services Palm Oil Credit Scheme - APOCS

Members only

APOCS Purchasing Procedure

Members only

Feed Sector RSPO letter

Contact Email


Useful Links

The links below are directed to useful background information on the RSPO website.

RSPO Factsheet on Livestock Sector

https://www.rspo.org/rspo-credits Information on how Credits work to encourage production of sustainable palm oil.

https://rspo.org/palmtrace How Palm oil is sold & traceability maintained – how Palm Trace works. Information & video and current market information.

www.rspo.org Main website with information on how palm oil is produced, sustainability issues and the work of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)

https://www.rspo.org/about/sustainable-palm-oil Background information and video about the uses of palm oil and how the organisation works 


“ RSPO Sustainable Palm Oil Toolkit for Kids!The kit includes an educational booklet about palm oil and sustainability, a palm oil supply chain activity, and a downloadable colouring book featuring wildlife from oil palm producing countries. A useful information resource.”

https://www.rspo.org/certification Information on RSPO Certification

https://www.rspo.org/certification/supply-chains RSPO supply chains - information on different types of supply chain for palm oil – Identity Preserved (IP), Segregated (SG), Mass Balance (MB) and the Credit or Book & Claim system that AIC Services APOCS administers for its members.