Progress with European Commission regarding the UK's RED II assurance recognition
AIC is working closely with similarly impacted voluntary schemes - including Red Tractor Assurance and Scottish Quality Crops - to maintain access to the EU market as a valuable outlet for biofuels under the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) II.
Latest progress
Earlier this month AIC and the other voluntary scheme owners met with the European Commission to address concerns and seek an urgent resolution to mitigate the potential loss of scheme recognition at the end of 2023.
Intense efforts to find a workable solution continue. However, immediate concerns that 31 December represented a "cliff edge" for scheme recognition have been allayed during recent talks with the European Commission.
The UK Accreditation Service (UKAS) continues to make progress on the potential to achieve European accreditation by means of mutual recognition between accreditation bodies. Confirmation of this is expected later this month.
Communication between UK and European voluntary schemes, government officials, trade associations and businesses must now be maintained to achieve a pragmatic outcome for the industry.
AIC Members and Participants will be kept up to date with the latest developments.
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