17 Oct 2024
by Oli Hill, Ed Barker

Review of Defra regulation and regulators set to drive economic growth

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A major review of regulation and regulators at the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) has been welcomed by the Agricultural Industries Confederation (AIC).

The UK's agri-supply trade association has been calling for a review of how the department operates with its agencies, such as the Environment Agency and Food Standards Agency, as well as how it can better support the supply chain businesses which make up our food system.

The internal review, which is not expected to be subject to public consultation, will examine whether the "inherited regulatory landscape is fit for purpose and develop recommendations to ensure that regulation across the Department is driving economic growth while protecting the environment."

It is set to be carried out by the economist Dan Corry who previously served as Head of the No10 Policy Unit under former Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

The review will explore whether Defra regulators are equipped to drive economic growth, secure private sector investment and protect the environment. It will also assess the efficiency of regulation, such as duplication, and contradiction, and whether there are ways to improve.

This forms part of wider government work to support economic growth with regulatory reform to boost private-sector investment, reduce import costs for businesses, cut carbon emissions, and boost the UK's food security.

Ed Barker, AIC's Head of Policy and External Affairs, said: "We welcome this review of Defra regulation and its regulators - this is something AIC has been calling for for some time.

"AIC Members in the important sectors of Animal Feed, Combinable Crops, Crop Protection and Agronomy, Fertiliser, and Seed regularly tell us of their concerns about the way Defra approaches economic growth, and how its internal structures and agencies interact with one another. After EU Exit, Members still encounter unnecessary regulatory duplication.

"We look forward to reading this report's findings and would support recommendations which support businesses and drive productivity for sustainable food security."

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Oli Hill

Oli Hill

Head of Communications, AIC

As Head of Communications, Oli creates and oversees the content published on AIC's website, emails, Member briefings, print publications, and social media. A qualified multimedia journalist, he previously spent six years working at Farmers Weekly magazine as a Senior Reporter on the arable team, and latterly as Community Editor. More recently he was Communications Manager at Red Tractor.

Ed Barker

Ed Barker

Head of Policy & External Affairs, AIC

[email protected]
01733 385271

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