Still time to register for free AIC Services API webinar
Agri-supply businesses have just days left to register for a free AIC Services webinar to learn more about a powerful new digital offering which enables them to quickly and accurately check their suppliers' assurance status.
AIC Services' newly-developed application programming interface (API) businesses can now integrate the trade association’s well-used Trade Assurance Checker search tool into their own systems, allowing a more convenient search that is always up to date.
The API means companies can check the “live” status of their agri-supply chain participants, allowing them to quickly and easily check whether a supplier is certified, suspended, or withdrawn, helping to streamline the supply chain due diligence process.
By using the API a business can make procurement decisions on an ongoing basis because the information used is constantly updated.
Webinar registration
A free webinar introducing the API and its uses will be hosted by AIC Services at 14:30 on 12 April 2023.
Click below to register for the free webinar hosted on Zoom.
Any businesses, AIC Members and non-Members, interested in gaining access to the Trade Assurance Checker API should visit the AIC website for a full list of charges, or contact Simon Williams by emailing [email protected].
For further details, including technical information, pricing, and answers to frequently asked questions, visit AIC’s website.