05 Apr 2023
by Oli Hill, Simon Williams

Still time to register for free AIC Services API webinar


Agri-supply businesses have just days left to register for a free AIC Services webinar to learn more about a powerful new digital offering which enables them to quickly and accurately check their suppliers' assurance status.

AIC Services' newly-developed application programming interface (API) businesses can now integrate the trade association’s well-used Trade Assurance Checker search tool into their own systems, allowing a more convenient search that is always up to date.

The API means companies can check the “live” status of their agri-supply chain participants, allowing them to quickly and easily check whether a supplier is certified, suspended, or withdrawn, helping to streamline the supply chain due diligence process.

By using the API a business can make procurement decisions on an ongoing basis because the information used is constantly updated.

Webinar registration

A free webinar introducing the API and its uses will be hosted by AIC Services at 14:30 on 12 April 2023.

Click below to register for the free webinar hosted on Zoom.

Any businesses, AIC Members and non-Members, interested in gaining access to the Trade Assurance Checker API should visit the AIC website for a full list of charges, or contact Simon Williams by emailing [email protected].

For further details, including technical information, pricing, and answers to frequently asked questions, visit AIC’s website.

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Oli Hill

Oli Hill

Head of Communications, AIC

As Head of Communications, Oli creates and oversees the content published on AIC's website, emails, Member briefings, print publications, and social media. A qualified multimedia journalist, he previously spent six years working at Farmers Weekly magazine as a Senior Reporter on the arable team, and latterly as Community Editor. More recently he was Communications Manager at Red Tractor.

Simon Williams

Simon Williams

Technical Manager, AIC Services

Simon Williams is Technical Manager for AIC Services. He is based at AIC Head Office, Peterborough and is responsible for the management and coordination of the FEMAS and UFAS assurance schemes as well as being the key contact for mutual recognition with European scheme owners and managing Earned Recognition relationships with UK feed and food competent authorities.

Previous to his role with AIC, Simon was employed in a variety of technical roles in the food industry covering primary and further processing of meat, breakfast cereals and a product technologist role with a major retailer.

[email protected]
01733 385245

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