Supply chain collaboration key to UK's transition towards sustainable soya

The AIC's Feed Sector Head, James McCulloch, joined a panel of international speakers on Tuesday (22 November) to represent the agri-supply industry and lead the conversation on sustainable soya.
At an event hosted at the Brazilian Embassy in London, James shared a platform with representatives of all parts of the supply chains which produce, or source, commodities from Brazil.
James presented to a 120-strong audience on the importance of whole supply chain collaborating to deliver a proposed national plan to transition the UK importing verified deforestation-free and conversion-free soya.
He also highlighted the value of engagement with producers in origin countries and their customers through to UK feed companies, livestock farmers, and processors and retailers to ensure the entire supply chain can get behind a transition plan and timetable.

"The UK's progression towards verified deforestation- and conversion-free soya is an important goal for our industry," he said.
"The proposal for a national transition plan to deliver this goal, engaging all of our supply chain partners, is a welcome initiative."
The session was chaired by the former Food and Drink Federation Chief Executive Ian Wright CBE, with a welcome address by the Ambassador of Brazil to the UK, Fred Arruda.
Discussions focused on sustainable animal protein supply, Brazilian research to reduce the environmental footprint of soy production, the pressures for UK retailers to deliver on sustainability objectives, and an update from the UK Government on their due diligence proposals for businesses handling deforestation risk commodities.