The value of FEMAS: Participant case study - SugaRich

Surplus food processing business SugaRich talks to the Agricultural Industries Confederation (AIC) about the value of the Feed Materials Assurance Scheme (FEMAS).
The FEMAS covers all feed ingredients intended for direct feeding to animals or for inclusion in compound feeds and blends.
It is based on HACCP principles, a system originally pioneered by space agency NASA, and forms the bedrock of UK and EU Food and Feed legislation.
Visit the FEMAS webpage to find out more.
Key outcomes of FEMAS participation
- Producing safe animal feed
- Trading with confidence
- Fair and thorough audits
How long has your business been a FEMAS Participant?
"Since day one of the scheme in 2001."
Why is your business a FEMAS Participant?
"Being a Participant of FEMAS is a prerequisite for us to do business, processing surplus food into biscuit meals to be used as a nutritional animal feed ingredient.
"Ultimately, it’s all about feed safety – this is the main goal. FEMAS gives us the platform to supply the whole UK agriculture sector, it is internationally recognised, and it acts as the benchmark standard without the need to be audited multiple times by many different bodies."

How does being a FEMAS Participant add value to your business?
"The continual evolution of the FEMAS Standard motivates a business to progress, because if you stand still then you’re going backwards.
"Not only does the scheme meet regulations but it is also a driver of performance. FEMAS opens up the marketplace and facilitates universal trading with confidence.
"What’s more, products like former foods could be seen as niche so this scheme provides that essential recognition."
How does your business find the audit process?
"Audits are always thorough, but they showcase what our business does and are the most important day of the year.
"They are a key part of confidence in assurance, and we feel the audit is necessary to drive feed safety. There is an open dialogue between our business and the auditor, we understand their scope and appreciate the importance of the work they do."

What are the opportunities and challenges for the future of UK feed assurance?
"The challenge remains that, as an industry, we are only ever one feed safety incident or mistake away from majorly impacting the supply chain.
"We also have to make sure that there is continual improvement, ensuring that the FEMAS Standard is always pushing forward to uphold feed safety."
Click below to download a PDF copy of this case study.
Become a trade assurance scheme case study
AIC Services is looking for more Participants of its trade assurance schemes to contribute to a series of case studies, promoting the value of assurance in feed, food and fertiliser safety.
If your businesses is a Participant of the Feed Materials Assurance Scheme (FEMAS), Fertiliser Industry Assurance Scheme (FIAS), Trade Assurance Scheme for Combinable Crops (TASCC), or Universal Feed Assurance Scheme (UFAS), and you would like to find out more about being a featured as a case study, please email AIC Communications Manager Oli Hill ([email protected]) to register your interest or contact Kiwa UK.