Updated FEMAS Calculator launched with new functionality
AIC has launched an updated version of the FEMAS Calculator covering a wider range of feed ingredients. The previous version of the Calculator was restricted to feed materials included in the EU and GB Catalogues of Feed Materials.
The latest version has additional functionality to develop analysis schedules for feed materials notified to the EU and GB Registers of Feed Materials, as well as Feed Additives on the EU and GB Registers of Feed Additives.
The new areas of the Calculator do not contain full lists of feed materials and additives, but instead require participants to select options for types of raw materials and processes used.
This approach has been taken because of the constant and frequent changes to these registers making it impractical for FEMAS to maintain an up to date list.
To assist participants in using the new areas of the Calculator the FEMAS Calculator Guidance document has been updated.

Participants are advised to review their analysis requirements as indicated by the new Calculator as soon as possible, and will be expected to have revised their schedules to comply by 1 March 2023.
Participants who may find it difficult to meet the deadline should contact Hannah Adams at Kiwa Agrifood to discuss.