There is an ever increasing focus on the environmental impact of feed and AIC provides support for members on the environmental policies affecting feed mills and feeding advice, as well as updates on sustainability issues.
A new guide to help farmers and their advisers understand the environmental rules and regulations that govern how they farm has been published by the Environment Agency.
Answers to frequently asked questions on the animal feed businesses being required to comply with forthcoming deforestation, or "due diligence", regulations in the UK and EU.
Members can re-watch AIC's online event discussing how the Animal Feed sector supports sustainable livestock production, held on 4 November as part of this year's Countryside COP.
On 4 November, AIC will host an online event as part of this year's Countryside COP, discussing how the Animal Feed sector supports sustainable livestock production.
Learn about AIC's work on promoting sustainable soya in collaboration with European partners over the past decade, leading the world in this important area.
The AIC's Feed Sector Head, James McCulloch, joined a panel of international speakers this week to represent the agri-supply industry and lead the conversation on sustainable soya production.
Responding a Defra call for evidence on methane suppressing feeds, AIC has highlighted the pioneering technologies, practices, and innovations available to feed companies and their livestock farming customers.
AIC Services Palm Oil Credit Scheme (APOCS) supports sustainable supply chains for palm oil, palm kernel oil and derivatives by purchasing Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) Credits on behalf of AIC members and trade assurance feed scheme participants.
The process explains the steps that are followed for the purchase of RSPO credits by AIC Services on behalf of the company that wishes to purchase RSPO palm oil credits via APOCS.
AIC is hosting GFLI animal nutrition life cycle analysis data for a selection of those feed ingredients commonly used by UK animal feed manufacturers in formulating their rations - the GFLI UK Subset.
The UK government, a signatory to the New York Declaration and the Amsterdam Declarations, convened the UK Roundtable on Sourcing Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO). Its members include trade associations for key palm oil-using sectors, the major UK refiners, manufacturers, retailers, food service, finance and NGOs with the aim of promoting the uptake of sustainable palm oil (SPO) in the UK.
The final report on the Prime Minister’s Task Force on Innovation, Growth and Regulatory Reform (TIGRR).was published in June 2021. In a great success for AIC and its members, all four of the AIC's recommendations were supported and endorsed.
The UK and European feed industries' response to environmental concerns are set out in the AIC Roadmap - Agri-supply roadmap for a sustainable food chain; FEFAC Feed Sustainability Charter 2030; AIC respond to Government's "Due diligence on forest risk commodities' consultation.
The UK is committed to moving towards a more circular economy, keeping resources in use as long as possible, extracting maximum value from them, minimizing waste and promoting resource efficiency.
The PEF, Product Environmental Footprint, was launched as an initiative by the European Commission under the Single Market for Green Products Communication in 2013.
The UK government, a signatory to the New York Declaration and the Amsterdam Declarations, convened the UK Roundtable on Sourcing Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO). Its members include trade associations for key palm oil-using sectors, the major UK refiners, manufacturers, retailers, food service, finance and NGOs with the aim of promoting the uptake of sustainable palm oil (SPO) in the UK.