Current Top Priorities



1. Circular Economy & Sustainability

To promote UKFFPA activities with regard to Circular Economy and Sustainability. The UKFFPA is committed to supporting their members in promoting the benefits of using former foods. This promotion will be based on using the existing animation video together with an updated statement on sustainability.


2. Compliance with UK Forest Risk Commodity Regulations and EU Deforestation Regulations

Compliance with UK Forest Risk Commodity Regulations and EU Deforestation Regulations and implications for former foodstuffs containing in scope commodities.


3. Packaging residue in feed

The sector continues to work towards reducing levels of adventitious packaging in its finished product. Most operators in the sector are working towards improving their processing facilities. The association are in favour of a recent proposal by EFFPA Observer Member VALORIA of aiming to reduce the de-facto tolerance of 0.15% to 0.05% over the next ten years. UKFFPA continue to monitoring packaging tests undertaken by members to show we are on-route to this target. UKFFPA have agreed alongside the other members of EFFPA to use the Rikilt method as a pan-European standard method. Members are now able to benchmark their ‘quick’ methods against the Rikilt method using INTERTEK, a UK laboratory.


4. Younger members awareness of former foodstuffs in animal feed

The sector will encourage younger AIC Members to join the UKFFPA to gain valuable experience of the former foods sector and processes.