About the sector

The Crop Protection Sector represents distributors delivering 90% of plant protection products to farm gate and the largest group of BASIS qualified agronomists in the UK. The sector seeks to support members businesses through providing a range of services including lobbying, technical support and information and the development of best practice in the use of plant protection products. 

The aim of the crop protection sector is to demonstrate the high standards members operate to and hence provide AIC members with the continued freedom to operate. Working not only across other AIC sectors, but nationally and internationally the sector assesses and communicates issues that could impact on the competitiveness of the industry and affect the long-term sustainability of UK farming and food production. 

Our Objectives

The aim of the crop protection sector is to look after the interests of AIC member companies within the agri supply industry. This is achieved by the sector through following a number of objectives including :

  • Establish an effective working relationship with appropriate personnel within Government organisations, NGO's and anti pesticide groups to promote AIC and the activity of AIC members.
  • Ensure members interests are represented in consultation responses and that new legislation has least adverse effect on members businesses.
  • Ensure members have the information to address public concerns around agrochemical usage and promote the benefits of integrated farming.
  • Promote best practice with regard to pesticide storage, distribution and usage.
  • Ensure members have up to the minute information on issues likely to affect their businesses.


The AIC provides a united voice for the sector which is represented at both UK and European Government level.  Our work and commitment in the sector provides the following key benefits to our members:

  • UK and EU legislation and guidelines reflect the conditions and needs of the Agronomy and Crop Protection Sector
  • Members interests are served by a dedicated AIC staff member, with the ability to draw on industry experts when appropriate. This releases members resources and  reduces duplication amongst members.
  • Having up to date information on new and forth coming legislation allows businesses to adapt at least cost and operate within legal requirements.
  • A united voice for the sector leads to more effective lobbying than numerous individual responses

The work of the AIC Crop Protection and Agronomy Sector

Latest news and briefings

What is Integrated Pest Management (IPM)?

To help government, stakeholders and the public better understand the various practices that constitute Integrated Pest Management (IPM) [PDF], AIC has developed a series of infographics.

The infographics demonstrate the wide range of measures that AIC Members advise farmers and growers on in the arable farming sector.

Downloadable infographics

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All About Pesticides

Wheat Brome Control Atlantis.JPG

Stewardship & Best Practice


Legislation and Guidance

Summaries and links are provided to EU and UK legislation, guidance and codes of practice controlling the animal feed industry.


Video series: Adding Value with Distributor Agronomy

In this series, distributor agronomists explain how they add value to their clients' businesses.


The AIC Crop Protection Sector consists of a number of committees. Each committee and working group has specific aims and objectives in line with the aims and objectives of the sector. The minutes of each committee and working group are published on the website so members can be fully involved in all of the technical discussions.


Upcoming events


Water Quality

Here agronomists and advisers can gain a better understanding of the issues impacting water quality in catchments where they provide advice to farmers and growers. This will enable agronomists and advisers to give more specific information to their clients with the aim of reducing any impacts of plant protection product (PPP) use in the catchments.

Find out more