Contact the Trade Assurance Helpline to tell AIC if you become aware of activities of an AIC Trade Assurance participant that have the potential to undermine the trade assurance schemes 

Trade Assurance Checker

The Trade Assurance Checker app is available to download for iOS and Android devices using the buttons below. 

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Special Trade Assurance Scheme reports

2024 FEMAS, TASCC and UFAS Standards now live

Trade Assurance Schemes

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UFAS - Universal Feed Assurance Scheme

Provides an assurance system to ensure that feed destined for UK livestock meets safety requirements defined by legislators and industry.

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TASCC - Trade Assurance Scheme for Combinable Crops

Provides an assurance system for the trading of combinable crops for food, feed and biofuel use, the trading of compound feed and feed materials and the transport and storage of combinable crops and animal feeds to meet safety requirements defined by legislators and industry.

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FEMAS - Feed Materials Assurance Scheme

Provides an assurance system to ensure that feed ingredients destined for UK livestock meet safety requirements defined by legislators and industry.

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FIAS - Fertiliser Industry Assurance Scheme

Provides an assurance system to ensure that the security, safety and traceability of fertilisers meet the requirements defined by legislators and industry.


ESTA - European Seed Treatment Assurance scheme

Provides a quality assurance system to ensure that seed treatment and the resulting treated seed meet requirements defined by legislators and industry.

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Renewable Energy Directive (RED II)

RED, the EU's Renewable Energy Directive, came into force in June 2009.

Watch to learn more




The AIC Services Trade Assurance Consultant Register has been developed to support participants of AIC Trade Assurance Schemes. It provides information on sources of professional advice related to our schemes.

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AIC caters for a range of transport needs of AIC members from assurance, to providing derogations and helping shape policy decision at Government level. Haulage fleets can be assured through our assurance schemes to meet the various requirements of food and feed safety. Derogations can be applied for via the Departments of Transport to ensure the haulage fleet is keep mobile in challenging conditions. AIC also work with the key transport trade bodies including the Road Haulage Association and the Logistics Association.

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Participant Portal

This portal is managed by Kiwa. If you have any issues logging into this portal please either use the forgotten password links on the portal page or contact Kiwa directly by calling 01423 878873.