Find out what the industry says about the Fertiliser Industry Assurance Scheme (FIAS), including testimonials from agri-supply businesses and government agencies.
National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO)

"FIAS provides a vital link between the UK Fertiliser industry, Government departments and partner agencies.
"The FIAS scheme covers 95% of the UK’s agricultural and commercial fertiliser industry. This includes manufacturing, blending, imports, merchants and haulage to the farmers and growers across the country which ensures the safety, security and traceability of fertiliser is achieved.
"Working with various Government agencies and Partner organisations the FIAS scheme has grown and developed over a number of years to reach the excellent standards currently in place throughout the UK.
"This has been achieved thorough positive engagement and understanding the different needs, requirements and responsibilities of FIAS and the UK fertiliser industry. This would not be possible without the support from the AIC (Agricultural Industries Confederation) board who recommend and endorse the national standards.
"The FIAS scheme was launched in response to the terrorist plot by seven al-Qaeda sympathisers in March 2004 (Operation Crevice) to detonate four fertiliser based explosive devices (600 kg Ammonium Nitrate) at the Blue Water shopping centre, Ministry of Sound Nightclub, Parliament and a large utility supplier in London.
"To deter potential terrorist groups from using nitrogen-based fertilisers as a key bomb making component, HM Government sought to work with the fertiliser industry to prevent any such incident from occurring in the future. It was acknowledged that a nationwide scheme to ensure the security and traceability of fertilisers was required and the FIAS scheme was commenced.
"The FIAS scheme provides independent audited reassurance that compliance with the standards is being followed by the respective members throughout the UK fertiliser industry.
"The FIAS scheme has ensured that the availability of fertilisers as a potential pre-cursor element for terrorist groups is significantly reduced. Since the launch of the scheme some twenty years ago there has been no large-scale terrorist incident which has used fertilisers as a main component.
"The FIAS scheme has been successful in achieving its aims by making the UK a safer place in which to live and work."
Andy Bell, Origin Fertilisers Ltd

"Origin Fertilisers Limited support FIAS in recognition of the many features and benefits it offers to all participants within the fertiliser supply chain to ensure safety, security, and traceability throughout.
"With structured tiered committees, AIC, FIAS representatives, members of industry and government representatives review the standard regularly to maintain an industry scheme which is managed at all stages in accordance with current legislation, this instils confidence to industry regulators of good product stewardship within the fertiliser industry.
"The fertiliser supply chain must remain tightly controlled to ensure that fertilisers may only be used by bona-fide customers for legitimate purposes. This not only addresses the concern for fertiliser security, but that also of the safety of the population and integrity of the environment.
"With AIC managing the development and implementation of the scheme, close links are always maintained with Members and Participants.
"Various online tools, portals and training platforms give added benefits to its Members and Participants. Trained and competent auditors ensure FIAS Participants are operating in compliance to the scheme.
"The FIAS scheme has progressively developed since its introduction in 2006 and continues to do so for the good of the industry.
"It has given assurance to UK Government that the industry along with stakeholders can manage compliance, develop fit for purpose Approved Codes of Practises (ACOP’s) and guidance.
"There is implementation of a robust auditing system for members and improved operating compliance, as well as continuous development within the scheme, offering more to its Members and Participants.
"It is an “embedded” scheme which offers future integrity of the standard for the fertiliser industry.
"We need FIAS to maintain earned recognition from the UK Government and stakeholders, particularly during transition from EU to UK Fertiliser regulations. This scheme is needed to maintain and strengthen the partnerships with government representatives, within appropriate meeting groups with all current and future challenges that industries are facing such as environmental and sustainability targets and more.
"It is also needed to explore further opportunities for industry self-regulating/compliance monitoring."
Health and Safety Executive

"The FIAS scheme has been in existence now for over 17 years and continues to achieve very broad acceptance from the wider fertiliser industry supply chain.
"It has been instrumental in ensuring that improvements to product quality and associated traceability requirements in GB have been and continue to be sustained.
"It is also very important that these improvements are maintained in the future."

“FIAS has helped support and drive continuous improvement in the security, safety and traceability of fertilisers across the industry since it was launched in 2006.
“It is an assurance scheme that is well recognised and greatly valued by all of its stakeholders.”
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra)

"In 2005 Defra asked AIC to set up a Fertiliser Assurance Scheme to “provide assurance to customers and users on product safety, security, traceability and good environmental practice.
"This was the beginning of the FIAS Steering Group involving industry representatives and other stakeholders, and development of the scheme.
"The key deliverables of the scheme were to set up a register of companies in the fertiliser supply chain, provide product stewardship, ensure robust traceability and control of fertilisers at a level required by customers, the industry and regulators; carry out appropriate risk assessments to ensure consumer safety and fertiliser security and provides links to fertiliser training schemes.
"Over the years the FIAS Standard and audit process has been developed to support meeting these objectives. Regular reviews maintain the scheme fit for purpose.
"FIAS has been widely accepted and has become an integral part of the fertiliser supply chain. It is regularly updated in line with regulation and legislation changes.
"Defra fully endorses FIAS and continues to support the scheme and its future development. The links it provides with the fertiliser industry, other Government Departments and relevant agencies.
"The supply chain from manufacturing, importing, blending, merchants and transport of fertiliser products to the end users across the country ensures the safety, security and traceability of fertilisers."

"ADM Agriculture Ltd has been part of the FIAS scheme for a number of years and were one of the first agricultural merchants to join.
"FIAS membership gives our business the confidence that the systems, company policies and procedures implemented continuously maintain the high standards set out by the scheme.
"We can then ultimately provide the best product and services to our customers making sure that the legislative requirements in regard to security, safety and traceability of the product are met.
"Participation in the scheme confirms to our customers that, the robust set of standards of the scheme are implemented. Our employees are trained and so customers know they will receive a high quality of service and product which is handled with integrity.
The FIAS scheme has set high standards for the UK Fertiliser Industry which ensure that the safety, security, quality of products and services meet the legislative requirements and our customer expectations.
"Through the voluntary engagement of the wide range of participants, the scheme has achieved traceability of all fertilisers either imported or domestically produced, from the product manufacturer to the farm gate.
"At the same time, it has become a platform that provides guidance, training and support on compliance and help the participants to act in accordance with the evolving requirements within fertiliser safety and security.
"In the current global situation, it is now more important than ever that FIAS maintains full supply chain compliance. The ability to track and follow product through all stages of sourcing, production, storage, sales and distribution to the end user helps us all to prevent security incidents.
"By continuously raising the profile and awareness of the scheme, through our industry members, will encourage more businesses to join in the future and help close any remaining 'loopholes' within the supply chain."
Glasson Fertilisers (UK) Ltd

"FIAS enables us to demonstrate that our products conform with the highest standards of quality, security, safety and traceability, and the regular audit and risk assessment process ensures these standards are constantly maintained and monitored.
"FIAS has assisted us in ensuring that our management systems and controls are kept up to date and that we constantly improve and monitor all areas of our business.
"On a wider scale it has enabled the industry in the UK to achieve high standards of safety and security for fertilisers throughout the supply chain, manufacturing process and sale and delivery to farm without the need for cumbersome legislation.
"We need FIAS to continue to give full confidence to all Participants and stakeholders that all fertiliser marketed in the UK complies with the required standards of the scheme."
John Revis, Revis Transport Ltd

"As an early adopter of FIAS, we joined to help ensure there was transparency and visibility for the security aspects of transporting fertiliser, without the need for further legislation and Government intervention.
"FIAS helps implement and raise best practice standards for all Participants, especially hauliers."
Yara International Ltd

"Yara was a founder member in the FIAS scheme in 2006, and by following the requirements of accreditation we can ensure the safety, security and quality of the products we sell.
"FIAS fits within Yara’s values and demonstrates our best practice in Fertiliser Stewardship to others within the fertiliser and wider agricultural industries.
"FIAS has put the industry in control of its own product stewardship, is recognised by the UK Government, and has reduced the requirement for additional legislation in the fertiliser industry.
"It has provided FIAS accredited companies with a certification that demonstrates they are committed to excellence within fertiliser manufacture, packing, storage, sales and distribution.
"After 17 years the scheme is still forefront in the UK fertiliser industry and continues to demonstrate commitment to product stewardship by its accredited members.
"It enables companies in the sector to be confident that their suppliers and customers are equally committed, and we would encourage any non-FIAS businesses to join the scheme."
David Ford, DR & FA Ford Transport Ltd

"We support FIAS because there are robust systems in place from factory to farm to enable the deliveries to be carried out safely. Ultimately all parties involved have a duty of care to their employees and the general public which FIAS demonstrates.
"FIAS has achieved the ability to bring together manufacturers, traders, transport providers and customers into one synergy. Importantly the ability to produce and deliver hazardous products that may have been curtailed without the implementation of FIAS enabling agriculture to carry on producing.
"FIAS was originally introduced to reduce the potential of security breaches, this threat is still applicable and ever present. The scheme works well especially from the traceability factor, moving forward there maybe changes but the scheme has the ability and robustness to react."
Richard Blower, Frontier Agriculture Ltd

"Using FIAS certified transport gives us confidence that our fertiliser will be delivered safely and securely.
"FIAS also ensures that product collection and delivery is fully traceable throughout the transport chain.”