
TASCC was developed because farmers and end users wanted to be sure that crops of grain, oilseeds and pulses were treated responsibly once they left the farm. That includes wheat processed by flour millers and malting barley for the brewers and distillers in the drinks industry. It provides independent verification that the trade is meeting food and feed safety laws.

Learn more

TASCC is audited and certified by an independent certification body, in accordance with the internationally recognised standard ISO17065. This means that the certification body is itself independently assessed every year to ensure that the standard is implemented and administered consistently and fairly.

The scheme dovetails with AIC's other Feed and Food schemes as well as UK livestock assurance (Red Tractor and Quality Meat Scotland) schemes which the major supermarkets make a requirement for the home-produced livestock products they buy.

TASCC is also recognised within the food industry as being essential to maintaining traceability of assured combinable crops after they have left the farm.

The Scheme is made up of a Scheme Manual and four codes of practice (Storage, Haulage, Merchants and Testing Facilities).

To apply for TASCC certification please telephone 01423 878873 and request a TASCC joining pack or email: [email protected]

Download the digital flyer and infographic

Benefits of an assured supply chain

Trade Assurance Checker

 Scheme Portal

This portal is managed by Kiwa. If you have any issues logging into this portal please either use the forgotten password links on the portal page or contact Kiwa directly by calling 01423 878873.





Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) is a system that was devised to identify, evaluate and control hazards that are significant for food safety.

Haulier HACCP


Legislation and Guidance

Summaries and links are provided to EU and UK legislation, guidance and codes of practice controlling the animal feed industry.

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DGSA Register

Defra Salmonella Feed Code of Practice

Feedingstuffs Declarations Guidance