Towergate Insurance have designed a range of specialist policies for the Agricultural Supply Industry and related trades. These can be tailored to members' specific requirements whilst still benefiting from preferential covers and premiums.
Examples of specialist covers available include:
- Material Damage & Consequential Loss
- Loss of value on pre purchased stock
- Closure/Denial of access from Infectious Disease
- Loss of production following failure in utilities
- Liabilities
- Failure of animals, poultry, crops or plants to achieve the expected standard of growth or yield.
- Double limit of indemnity in respect of accidental pollution.
- Advice given in respect of the sale of goods supplied or services are included within the policy cover where no fee for that advice is charged.
- Seeds indemnity including varietal contamination, incorrect dressing and financial losses of the grower.
- Competition Animals and Birds cover including products not knowingly supplied to competition animals and disqualification following the discovery of prohibited substances.
- Goods In Transit
- Motor
- Engineering
- Directors & Officers Liabilities
- Legal Expenses
To find out more information about how your company can take advantage of this offer download our brochure below or contact:
Towergate Insurance
7th Floor,
West One,
114 Wellington Street,
Leeds. LS1 1BA
Alva Jackson, Scheme & Placement Director
Direct Dial: 0113 236 8601
E-mail: [email protected]